Chapter 21

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After retreating from the grounds following the arrival of the SCPD, Team Arrow took cover on a nearby roof, since Magi wanted to watch Detective Lance walk Thomas Blossom out of his house in handcuffs.

"So, how does it feel to watch this happen?" Green Arrow asked Magi.

"Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders since now the world will finally see that man for what he is. I feel vindicated, like I finally got justice." Magi said before she turned to Wild Dog.

"And thank you for pulling me back from the edge. I'd like to think that I would've stopped myself before I went too far, but." Magi said.

"You would've. You're not a killer. You're a healer. This team has plenty of killers on it, but you're different." Wild Dog said with a smile.

"Still, thank you." Magi said.

"You're not going to let Malcolm live to be arrested are you?" Spartan asked Green Arrow, who looked at him like he was crazy.

"I've learned from that particular mistake. This time when I kill Malcolm, I'm gonna make sure he stays dead." Green Arrow said, since there was no way in hell he was going to let Malcolm live. Sure he'd proven himself useful at times, but honestly, everyone's lives would be a lot better with Malcolm in the ground and making sure he stayed there.

"Good. Sara might be safe from where she is right now, but Malcolm is too unpredictable." Black Canary said.

"Don't worry. Once we expose him as the monster he is, he and I are finally going to settle this and this time, I'm not gonna leave until I know he's dead." Green Arrow said.

"He's really that bad?" Dove asked, since while she and Magi had been given the download of Malcolm's crimes by the Monitor, it wasn't the same thing as living it.

"Trust me. Malcolm is only out for himself. No matter what alliances he might make, he'll turn on them as soon as it's convenient for him." Green Arrow said.

"He drugged Oliver's sister and used her to kill mine in an effort to force Oliver to fight his old teacher Ra's al Ghul to remove the death warrant Ra's put on him after Oliver exposed the Undertaking." Black Canary said.

"Okay, sounds like he's someone who needs to go." Dove said as Black Canary turned to Magi.

"You realize my dad may try to cut a deal with Blossom in exchange for turning over Malcolm right?" Black Canary asked.

"As long as Blossom serves some prison time, I can live with that." Magi assured her.

"Speaking of which, as the lawyer representing the victims of his crime, I need to get to the precinct." Black Canary said and Green Arrow nodded.

"The rest of us will head back to the bunker." Green Arrow said as they headed out.

Quentin Lance looked particularly smug as he walked into the interrogation room to find a beaten up Thomas Blossom sitting there in handcuffs.

"I have to admit, I do feel a certain amount of joy in seeing you here." Quentin said.

"Very funny." Blossom said.

"I'm not joking. After all, Richard Sawyer was a good friend of mine and now we're finally going to make you pay not only for what you did to him, but also to his daughter." Quentin said.

"I want my lawyer." Blossom said.

"He's on his way, but in the meantime, I do have a deal to offer you and considering your good friends Brian Nudocerdo and Kate Spencer are currently under investigation for bribery, it might be your best bet at avoiding a very long stint in Iron Heights." Quentin said.

"What's the deal?" Blossom asked.

"Those goons you had, those aren't your ordinary thugs and there's no way even you could afford international assassins. So, you tell me who paid for those folks and you might get a reduced sentence." Quentin said.

"No deal." Blossom said.

"I'm not sure you fully understand. After all, attempted rape, bribery of numerous public officials, including the police commissioner and the district attorney, several indirect links to murders in the city, concealing and destroying evidence in the police investigation regarding Abigail Sawyer's claims against you and your latest hit, resisting arrest with armed force. You're facing a possible life sentence and what little money you do have will likely go to the Sawyer family once the lawsuits they're bringing against you are added to your charges. I'd seriously consider this deal if I were you and your lawyer will tell you the same thing. Think it over. I'll be back when your lawyer arrives." Quentin said as he left Blossom alone to see his daughter entering the precinct.

"Laurel, he's not talking yet." Quentin said, knowing why his daughter was here.

"Do you really think he will?" Laurel asked him as they stepped into a private room.

"Not one bit." Quentin said and Laurel nodded.

"He's too afraid of what Malcolm will do to him and it's not like we can let Ollie persuade him, since that wouldn't look good. We'll find another way to expose Malcolm and personally, I think Abby would prefer that he didn't talk, since it means that he'll go away for the rest of his life." Laurel said and Quentin nodded.

"I have to admit, I'm looking forward to putting this son of a bitch away myself. Richard's a good friend of mine and I hate what happened to him and his family. I hope that you get Abby the justice she deserves." Quentin said.

"Trust me, with the number of suits I'm going to be filing, Abby will never have to work again." Laurel said and Quentin chuckled.

"Glad to hear it. Let me know when you find a way to deal with Malcolm, though this time I'm hoping I won't be the SCPD's fall guy." Quentin said.

"Since we're going to stop Malcolm before the devices are even finished, that won't be a problem." Laurel assured him.

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