Chapter 29

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A few nights later found all of the Queen Family and Lance family at the Queen Mansion in the dining room. And that meant nearly all the members of both families. For the Queens, in addition to Moira and Oliver, both Emiko and Thea, who'd stopped in Star City on her way back to San Francisco. For the Lances, it was Quentin, Donna, Felicity, Sara and Sara's fiance Ava Sharpe.

"Okay, we're all here, what's the big news?" Sara asked, even though considering the fact that her sister hadn't touched the wine and seemed to be extra cautious about what she was eating.

"Well, this was a bit unexpected, at least this soon, but I'm pregnant." Laurel said, wondering how their families would react and was a little nervous about how her father would react, but to her relief, Quentin along with the rest of both sides of their family, got up to congratulate them.

"Congratulations." Moira said as she hugged her son and the woman that she hoped would become her future daughter-in-law.

"Thank you. It was unexpected, but welcome." Laurel said.

"This clearly means that Ava and I will need to delay our wedding plans until after you give birth, since for one thing, I can't have you all big and fat as my maid of honor and for another, I want my future niece or nephew to be in the wedding pictures." Sara said.

"Absolutely." Ava said in agreement.

"You don't need to do that." Laurel said.

"I need to make sure that you're able to participate in the bouquet toss." Sara said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I'm surprised that did isn't jumping down Oliver's throat about getting me pregnant before he married me." Laurel said.

"And if this had been some kind of drunken fling, I would be, but I know how much Oliver loves you and honestly, as long as you two are happy, I can wait for you two to get married." Quentin said, though that was more because of the looks both his daughter and his wife were giving him, though he still meant it. He knew that Oliver would become his son-in-law one day and when that time came, he had no problem with it and he still chuckled as he thought about a time where he would've rather had hell freeze over before he let Oliver Queen marry either of his baby girls. But they weren't babies anymore and Oliver wasn't the same reckless playboy he'd used to be.

"And there's also the fact that I'm already getting married, you don't want to deal with both of your little girls getting married now." Sara said with a smirk.

"I still can't believe that you're engaged to a woman that we never met over the past five years." Donna said.

"I'm sorry I never introduced you to her before, but I needed to keep everyone safe." Sara said, since while her father knew the truth, her stepmom and Moira didn't.

"I know, I just wish that we'd gotten to know her first, but I can see how happy you are Sara. But I also wish that you'd both spend more time around here so I could get to know both of you." Donna said, since she didn't know Sara very well.

"I know, but our jobs require us to travel a lot, but I promise we will keep in touch and we'll visit as much as we can. Especially since I need to be able to spoil my niece or nephew." Sara said with a grin.

"Please, I think that Emiko and I have you beat on that, since we're both rich." Thea pointed out with a grin, which Emiko shared.

"Plus, I have a feeling that we'll be around a bit more than Aunt Sara, even though you live in San Francisco and I'm moving to Hub City, but at least we'll be staying in the same place." Emiko agreed.

"But I can bring the kid presents from all over the world, since I'm traveling all over." Sara said, while thinking that she could bring gifts from any time period she wanted. Something that Aunt Emiko and Aunt Thea could not do.

"I think that I'll probably be the favorite aunt, mainly because I'm the one who's actually going to be around the most." Felicity pointed out, making it clear that she had no problems with Oliver and Laurel having a baby.

"But I get the feeling that Donna and I will be doing most of the babysitting since neither of us work." Moira said and Donna nodded.

"Actually, I was hoping we could have Raisa, since Laurel and I don't want any of you spoiling our kid when we're not around to reign you in." Oliver said.

"Oliver, you really don't trust me? Besides, it's not like you're working right now." Moira said.

"I'm still figuring out what I want to do for work, since I do not plan on being a house husband." Oliver said.

"I just hope that you figure it out before the baby arrives." Quentin said.

"Don't worry, I will." Oliver said, since he'd been doing a lot of thinking and he thought he might be onto something about his career, he just didn't know how to do it yet.

"Have you told anyone else yet?" Moira now asked.

"The only other person who knows is our friend Abby and that's just because she's a doctor and she's the one who figured out I was pregnant and she's also the one that will be delivering my baby." Laurel said and Quentin, Oliver and Felicity all nodded, knowing why Laurel would be hesitant to trust other doctors, as did Thea.

"That would explain why she reached out to me for funding Rebecca Merlyn's old free clinic in the Glades, which Smoak Tech will be funding. Anything she needs, Smoak Teach will provide." Felicity said, happy to be there for her sister.

"Thank you." Laurel said.

"If you need any additional assistance, let me know and I'll be happy to help you pay for it." Moira said.

"Thank you mom." Oliver said.

"Have you guys started thinking about names yet?" Thea asked.

"Actually, if we have a boy, I do have an idea." Oliver said.

"Really, what is it?" Laurel asked, since this was news to her.

"Robert." Oliver said and Moira smiled.

"I think your father would be honored that you want to name your son after him." Moira said.

"That's if we have a boy. And I like that name if we do. But if we have a girl, I'm kind of partial to the name Jasmine." Laurel said.

"I guess we'll find out in a few months. Are you guys gonna go through the whole pregnancy not knowing if it's a boy or a girl or are you gonna find out?" Thea asked.

"We want to know, since neither of us are huge fans of surprises." Laurel said and Oliver nodded in agreement.

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