Chapter 22

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Malcolm couldn't help but smirk as he watched the news reports of Blossom's arrest. He had to admit, it felt satisfying to have played a role in his downfall.

"So, that's one less piece on the board." A voice said behind him and Malcolm turned to see his son Tommy walk into his office.

"Blossom had already outlived his usefulness, I was gonna send someone in to have him killed anyways, but I think this is more fitting." Malcolm said.

"So, you're not worried about what he might spill?" Tommy asked, since he was aware of his father's plans and supported them, though unknown to him, it wasn't exactly willingly.

"Blossom is many things, but most of all, he's a coward. The only way he's going to talk is if he becomes more afraid of the other archer Ishmael reported seeing then he is of me and that is not happening." Malcolm said.

"I still think that letting him go to prison is a mistake." Tommy said.

"You're worried about his well being or you doubt his fear of me?" Malcolm asked his son.

"Neither. But I know what he did and honestly, prison seems too good for him. Especially since one thing prisons are notorious for is that people escape from them everyday." Tommy said.

"True. But death is too merciful. He needs to suffer for what he did and he'll suffer plenty in Iron Heights." Malcolm assured his son.

"If you say so." Tommy said as Malcolm walked over to his son.

"But what about you? Should I have any reasons to question your resolve or commitment to our mission?" Malcolm asked.

"No, of course not. Mom died because of those people, I want them to suffer like we have." Tommy said.

"Really. Because ever since Oliver came home, you seem distracted. Your mind is not on task." Malcolm said.

"Because I'm worried about what he might know. What if his father did tell him something about your plans? Or what if he finds out that the Gambit was sabotaged and that I knew about it. He's my best friend, basically the closest thing I have to a brother." Tommy said.

"I understand your concerns, but don't worry. At least not yet. Our main concern should be the man Ishmael fought. This Green Arrow. He's clearly well trained and he might even have some league training." Malcolm said.

"Do you think that Ra's al Ghul suspects something?" Tommy asked.

"No, if he did we'd all be dead right now." Malcolm said.

"So what should we do? We're too close to the finish line to consider rescheduling." Tommy said.

"We wait for him to show his hand and when the right opportunity shows up, we'll eliminate him and his team." Malcolm said and Tommy nodded, though something didn't feel right about all this to him.

"So, how exactly do we prove that Malcolm is the sociopath he is?" Laurel asked as she joined the rest of Team Arrow in the bunker, though she was once again reminded that Oliver really needed to get a move on building a new bunker. A larger one.

"I'm thinking that the best way to do that is to go back to basics." Oliver said.

"And that means?" Dawn asked.

"We use the list." Oliver said and that was when Laurel, Dig, Felicity and Rene immediately understood.

"What's the list?" Abby asked as Oliver handed her a small book.

"I found that on my father's body before I buried him on Lian Yu. It's a list of everyone involved in the Undertaking and all of the worst people in this city. The moment Malcolm realizes that we're targeting people on the list, he'll do something drastic to draw me out, it's what he did last time." Oliver said.

"And we can do it faster now, since you're not a one man army anymore. We can hit multiple targets at once, since these guys are slimy bottom feeders that aren't worth the whole team going after one at a time." John said and Oliver nodded.

"Ted Gaynor is all yours Dig, I know that's personal for you." Oliver said.

"I got dibs on Adam Hunt." Laurel said.

"Figured. Dawn, Rene and I will take our picks from what's left and there's no shortage of bastards on it." Oliver said.

"I'm gonna enjoy it." Rene said and Oliver chuckled.

"I know. But Daniel Brickwell is mine. Especially since I wasn't around to stop him last time." Oliver said.

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