Chapter 31

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"I have to admit, I was surprised when I heard that you were in favor of Oliver's decision to start up Knightwatch." Laurel said to her father, since he'd come over to the ranch to see the home where his daughter and first grandchild would be living.

"I think it's a good idea, since this city needs all the help it can get and now Oliver can help protect this city during both the night and day." Quentin said.

"Plus Knightwatch makes it seem a bit more legitimate." Laurel said.

"True. But that's not why I came over here and you know it." Quentin said and Laurel nodded.

"I'm doing fine, dad and so's the baby. I'm not even showing yet." Laurel said.

"Have you told everyone yet?" Quentin asked.

"Well you were there when Ollie and I told his family and ours and the team's been informed." Laurel said.

"You know that's not what I mean. Have you told your mother yet?" Quentin asked her.

"No I haven't and honestly, I'm in no real rush too, since she did abandon us and from what I've heard from Sara, she hasn't heard so much of a peep from mom since she came back from the dead." Laurel said, showing a bit of bitterness towards her mom.

"To be fair, it's not like it's easy to reach Sara without the specialized gear she gave us." Quentin pointed out.

"It doesn't matter. She abandoned us when we needed her the most. When things got tough, she cut and ran. As far as I'm concerned, Donna Smoak and Moira Queen are the only grandmothers my child will know, since neither of them are perfect, especially Moira, at least they both value family. Something mom doesn't. Why do you think I never use her name." Laurel said, still slightly bitter about being named after the woman who'd abandoned them.

"She's still your mother and I think that she should know. Maybe it will be the thing to bring her back to us. Especially since I know your sister wants her at her wedding." Quentin said.

"Well I guess Sara can be a little more forgiving towards mom, since she's just as guilty of abandoning the family as mom is, but I'm not ready to forgive mom when she's done nothing to earn it." Laurel said.

"Are you angry at your mother or your sister?" Quentin asked.

"I made my peace with Sara in the old reality, but mom, I guess I have more pent up anger towards her than I thought." Laurel said.

"And do you really want to pass on that anger to your child?" Quentin asked.

"Maybe I'll consider telling mom, but it's not like it would make much difference at this point. She's had five years to reconnect with me and she never did. Not even a phone call." Laurel said.

"Look Laurel, even if you don't forgive her, maybe what you need is to finally say what you need to say to her, since you couldn't truly forgive Sara until after you let her have it. The same with Oliver." Quentin reminded her.

"Yeah, don't remind me." Laurel said, not wanting to think about the dark place she'd been in back then.

"So, maybe you need to do the same thing with your mom." Quentin said and Laurel realized why he'd bring this up.

"You already called her, didn't you?" Laurel asked.

"She and I made our peace years ago before I remarried and I'm better for it and your sister doesn't deserve to have her wedding day ruined by tension between you and your mother. And if Oliver can forgive both of his parents for the things they've done, I think you can do the same. It's time to let it go and yes, I realize the irony of me of all people saying that, but you saw what holding onto grudges did to me. I don't want that for you." Quentin said.

"Fine, if only just so I can finally tell mom everything I've been wanting to say to her for the past few years." Laurel said, right as there was a knock on the door.

"You invited her here without asking me?" Laurel asked, annoyed at her father, but not overly surprised.

"Are you really one to judge me for surprises from family members?" Quentin reminded her.

"Fair point. Let's get this over with." Laurel agreed as Quentin went to get the door and when he returned, Laurel's mother was with him.

"Hello Laurel." Dinah said to her daughter.

"Hi mom." Laurel said, the annoyance clear in her voice.

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