Chapter 23

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Team Arrow had been busy. Like Oliver had ordered, they'd been hitting all of the people on the list. So far they'd already taken down Ted Gaynor, Adam Hunt, Leo Mueller, John Nickel, Palmer Cokes, Sachi Beech, Jason Brodeur (which they'd also used to get Peter Declan off of death row, since Laurel had been the one to beat a confession out of Brodeur to get Peter off of death row and to reunite him with his baby daughter), James Holder, Martin Somers, Sean Sonus, John Byrne and Justin Claybourne, though this time Oliver had decided to just leave him alive to try and prevent another Prometheus situation, though he doubted that would help, since Chase was insane which meant that Oliver would either need to get him committed or arrange to have him killed.

Anyways, Oliver was honestly wondering how much longer they'd have to keep on going through the list before Malcolm finally did something about it, since it had been weeks and Star City was already starting to refer to him and his team as the city's guardian angels, and he was sure that Malcolm had to have figured out that they were targeting people on the list.

"Green Arrow, are you there?" Overwatch asked over his comms as he was on patrol while the rest of his team was out taking down other people on the list while he started to establish his role as the city's true hero. Spartan was going after Harold Backman, Black Canary was taking down Edward Rasmus, Wild Dog was dealing with Scott Morgan and Dove was bringing down Ken Williams.

"What do you have Overwatch?" Green Arrow asked.

"Armed robbery at Star City Jewelers, but that's not the interesting thing." Overwatch said.

"Talk to me." Green Arrow said.

"According to footage of the event, it looks like you've already inspired the next Roy Harper. A young girl dressed in black and red wearing what looks like a homemade vigilante costume." Overwatch said.

"I thought it would be a bit longer before we got a Roy wannabe." Green Arrow said.

"You're an inspiration to people. Now get going." Overwatch said.

"Copy that. I'm on my way." Green Arrow said as he fired a cable to swing down to where he'd stashed his arrow cycle as Felicity had named it after she'd invented it and just like the name Arrowcave for the base, this name had grown on him.

When Green Arrow arrived at the jewelry store, he saw that the girl that Overwatch had told him about was taking care of things herself, though the situation could be handled a bit more cleanly, since while the girl was keeping the bystanders safe, she was also doing a lot of damage to the store.

"Overwatch, are you seeing this?" Green Arrow asked.

"Yep. I think that she's got some talent, though there is something familiar about her." Overwatch said from what she was seeing on the security cameras.

"Yeah. See if you can get a good enough angle to try and make out her face." Green Arrow said.

"On it." Overwatch said.

"No way." Overwatch said after she worked her magic.

"What is it?" Green Arrow asked.

"That's Evelyn Sharpe. It looks like you inspired her to become a legitimate hero this time and not just someone who's gonna act like a hero before selling the team out to the annual big bad." Felicity said.

"Do a search on her history. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with this time, since even though Reddington hasn't happened yet, something caused Evelyn to do this. We need to know what." Green Arrow said.

"On it. Give me one second and, got something. Wow." Overwatch said.

"What is it?" Green Arrow asked.

"Evelyn's family used to live in one of the buildings that was developed by John Nickel." Overwatch said.

"Let me guess, her parents were some of the victims of Nickel's negligence?" Green Arrow asked.

"Yep. After they died, Evelyn dropped off the grid. Ran away from her assigned foster family, dropped out of school, she basically vanished. And I guess it's because she's trying to be like the man who got justice for her family. Maybe now she really does have what it takes to be a hero." Overwatch said as Green Arrow watched Evelyn finish dealing with the robbers and make her way out of there.

"I think it's time for a reunion. Not that she knows that and she never will. I don't want to risk her betraying us again by reminding her of the old reality." Green Arrow said.

"Copy that, I'll send you a location to cut her off at." Overwatch said.

"Copy that." Green Arrow said.

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