Chapter 33

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"Okay Oliver, why did you want us to come to your place?" John asked as he, Rene, Felicity, Dawn and Abby walked up to Oliver and Laurel's house.

"Because it's finally time for you to see why we've been staying at the mansion the past few weeks." Laurel said, since she and Oliver had been living at the Queen Mansion for the past few weeks, since they were having some kind of renovations done to their ranch.

"We finally get to see why you were having renovations done to this place when it already looked great before and I don't really see any changes anyways." Felicity said and Laurel smirked.

"Are you sure about that?" Laurel asked as she and Oliver led them into the living room and Oliver walked over the fireplace and pressed a tile in the fireplace down, causing the wall with the fireplace to slide to the side to reveal a hidden elevator.

"Wait, is that what I think it is?" Felicity asked.

"Yep. I decided that putting the new bunker underneath Knightwatch headquarters could draw too much attention and it turns out that there's a cave network that runs underneath this property that was more than large enough to suit our needs and since Felicity insists on calling our base the Arrowcave anyways, we might as well put it in an actual cave. Something Cisco definitely approved of." Oliver said.

"So I'm guessing that all those renovations you mentioned were really Cisco and Mercury Labs building our new and improved bunker?" John asked, since they were all aware that Star Labs was gone and Mercury Labs had taken its place as the tech hub of Central City.

"With help from Supergirl's tech guy, yeah." Oliver said.

"Let's see the new base." Rene said eagerly and Oliver chuckled.

"Everyone in." Oliver said as they all piled into the elevator.

"Okay, this place looks better than any other base we've had and that is saying something since we've had a lot of different bases." John said, since this base was huge, even larger than the bunker had been and it looked like they had an even more advanced setup.

"We have more space down here." Oliver said.

"It looks like Cisco let his nerd fantasies run wild down here." Felicity said.

"No, he let his nerd fantasies run wild when he tried to get Oliver to let him name this place the Quiver." Laurel said.

"I'm guessing that didn't go over very well?" Rene asked.

"Considering the fact that he's lucky I'm willing to call this place the Arrowcave now that it's built in an actual cave system, yeah. I still prefer the bunker though." Oliver said.

"Fair enough." Rene said as Felicity moved to the center of the new bunker where the computer hub was still located.

"I see that my workstation is still in the middle of the base. Something I like." Felicity said.

"Yep, Cisco, Barry and Brainy upgraded it with tech from the future, since Barry can time travel and Brainy is from the future." Oliver said.

"How upgraded are we walking?" Felicity asked, eyes wide.

"This whole place uses quantum computers." Oliver said, since he didn't understand much about that, he did know that those were more advanced than even the most advanced computers in this time.

"I love this place." Felicity said.

"Yeah, though Cisco's already claimed the patent on this kind of quantum computing tech, so Smoak Tech can't create it." Laurel said.

"I don't care." Felicity said, still geeking out.

"Well, while my girlfriend clearly cheats on me with these computers, can we get a tour of this place?" Dawn asked, laughing at the look on her girlfriend's face.

"Follow me." Oliver said as he began the tour.

About an hour later, Team Arrow returned to the main room of their new bunker after Oliver had showed them the rest of the base, including the garage that was already loaded with personalized bikes for each of them, including Laurel, though she wouldn't get to ride hers until after she gave birth, the armory, which contained bows, arrows, both regular and all kinds of trick arrows, guns, swords, flechettes, daggers and even an RPG, a target range for them to practice shooting both arrows and guns at targets, along with a training room for them to train in hand to hand combat, a fully stocked infirmary that would be Abby's domain, a lab and workshop that once Felicity stopped geeking out over her computer setup she loved, since it reminded her that in this reality, she wasn't just a hacker, she was also an inventor and she liked that upgrade. The base also had a conference room for team meetings and Abby had also discovered a secret room that only she could access with her magic as a graduation gift from Esrin Fortuna. The final stop on the tour was a new addition Laurel had insisted upon and that was a nursery for them to keep the baby in while they were out being vigilantes.

"This place turned out amazing." John said.

"Thank you. And before I forget, since I know you're all wondering what will prevent just anyone from accidentally hitting the panel that opens the passage, the only reason it worked for me is because I used this to open it." Oliver said as he showed them his suit ring.

"So, the rings are keys to the bunker, along with suit storage." John said, since he and Rene had them too.

"Yep and even though I'm pregnant, Cisco did modify my Wayne Enterprises suit to be able to collapse into a ring so I can access the bunker and we also have these." Laurel said as she held out a box that contained three more rings. One with an eye insignia on it, one with a dove symbol on it and one with an insignia that resembled Abby's staff.

"I know you summon your suit with magic and you don't get into the field that much anyways, but this will give you full control of the bunker like the rest of us and even though you don't have a suit Felicity, like John said, this is your key to the base. I also gave one to Quentin." Oliver said and they all nodded.

"Nice. But what's that door over there?" Felicity asked, referring to a new room they hadn't seen yet.

"That room doesn't have anything in it yet, but it's intended to be a vault or I guess you could say trophy room. We all know how corrupt the SCPD is and I don't feel comfortable leaving some of the weapons from our enemies in their custody, since it means there's a chance they can get back out into the world. So we'll keep them here. And this place is way more secure than any of our other bases, though we'll still be keeping the old bunker as a backup facility, just in case. Now let's get to work." Oliver said.

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