Chapter 30

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"Do I want to know why you asked me to meet you at some random building in the Glades?" John asked Oliver as they met up a few days after Oliver had told the team Laurel was pregnant.

"We're not here to discuss what the building is now. We're here to discuss what it will be in the future." Oliver said.

"I'm guessing this is where we're putting our new bunker, since Laurel's place is kind of small." John said.

"It is, but that's not what I meant. Or at least not entirely what I meant." Oliver said.

"What do you mean then?" John asked.

"I've been talking to an old friend in Gotham who told me about Crows Security and while that place is severely flawed, it was created for the right purposes and honestly, I think that Star City could use a similar organization, except we'll actually be focused on protecting the people of Star City, not just the one percenters, though an organization like that could help us keep tabs on the people on the list." Oliver said.

"You want to start a security business?" John asked, honestly impressed.

"We're both military men now John and it's kind of like the Anti Crime Unit I set up in the old reality when I was mayor, though I don't think I'll be doing that this time around. You were right about being mayor forcing me to spread myself too thinly. I think that going into this line of work would be better for that." Oliver said and John smiled.

"Protecting Star City by day and by night. Both as vigilante and civilian. I can think of no better use for your time, plus, I have to admit, I have kind of missed that kind of work." John said.

"Good, but you know this organization won't be like the Crows, only pandering to people who can afford them and not caring about the rest of the city. We're here for all the people, since I'm sure Smoak Tech will fund us, though we will charge the one percenters a premium for our exclusive services." Oliver said and John chuckled.

"Damn, since when do you know how to run a business, since you didn't exactly do a good job of running Queen Consolidated, even before you were tricked into handing it over to Slade." John said and Oliver chuckled.

"True, but I think we both know that I never truly focused on being the CEO because I never wanted it. I only took the job to try and save my family's company, which I failed at miserably. But this is something I think I'd actually be good at. And the reason I want to establish our headquarters in the Glades is because I want the people who live here to know that we're not abandoning them. Especially since I think that this organization can also provide jobs to people in the Glades, since we both know that most adults and teenagers who live around here are not only packing, but they know how to fight." Oliver said.

"Agreed, but you should still hire people with actual military experience." John said.

"Don't worry, I was already planning on that. Especially since we can also recruit ex-Argus agents." Oliver said.

"I'm sure Lyla would be more than happy to help us out. You in charge as the commander and me as your second in command as usual." John said.

"No John, we're partners." Oliver insisted.

"I appreciate that man, but this is just like Team Arrow. This organization is essentially a military unit and that means that it needs one man to lead it and that man is you. You're more of a leader than I ever was or will be. But you know I'll follow you anywhere man, since I do agree, I think that this idea is a much better use of your skills than politics ever was." John said.

"As long as you're at my side, since I need to be sure that my first recruit and second in command is someone I trust completely." Oliver said and John nodded in agreement as they shook hands.

"So, do you have a name in mind for this organization yet?" John asked.

"Actually I do. I was thinking of calling it Knightwatch." Oliver said and John smiled.

"I like it. So, where do we start?" John asked and Oliver grinned.

"We start by calling Felicity and getting drinks to discuss this further." Oliver said and John nodded as they headed back to their respective rides.

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