Chapter 1

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The last thing Oliver Queen expected to do after essentially blowing himself up to recreate the universe was wake up. The last thing he remembered before dying was telling Barry and Sara that he was at peace with his fate and that it was their job to protect the new world they'd helped him create, since honestly, that was the truth. He was at peace with dying and honestly, he was looking forward to what was coming next. Finally, his fight was over. Granted, while he'd always known he'd most likely go down fighting, never in his wildest dreams did he think that it would be like this. But regardless, he was happy that his fight was finally over. He could finally rest and be reunited with all his loved ones that he'd lost. His parents, Tommy, Quentin, Emiko and Laurel. Laurel was the one he was the most looking forward to seeing again, since there was something he needed to talk to her about. How her last words had been going through his head every minute of every day for the last 4 years of his life. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep that image and those words out of his head. Especially since it turns out that it's true what they say when you die. Your life flashes before your eyes. And for Oliver, all he saw was his mistakes.

One in particular. And that was the mistake of ever letting Laurel Lance go. She'd been wrong about what she said when she was on her deathbed when she said she wasn't the love of his life. That wasn't true and it never had been. She'd been the only true love of his life. He'd loved Felicity, but never as much as he'd loved Laurel. And now, even though it would be in the afterlife.

Then he did the last thing he expected to do. He woke up. Something he knew from experience the dead people did not do. Even in the weirdness that was his life, death was the one thing that remained a constant. Or at least that's what he thought.

Then he realized that he was back in the Monitor's realm and his first reaction was to groan.

"Seriously. I thought I was finally done with you." Oliver groaned as he grudgingly got to his feet and turned to see Mar Novu standing in front of him.

"I'm afraid not." Novu said.

"Okay, you're gonna tell me exactly what the hell is going on here, including the why the hell I'm not dead and then you're going to release me from that deal we made and if you don't, I don't care what the hell you are, I will find a way to kill you." Oliver said and Novu chuckled

"Relax Mr. Queen. Our deal is now null and void, since both ends of it have been fulfilled. I am merely here now to explain what happened and why you are not dead." Novu said and Oliver relaxed slightly, though that still didn't stop him from going up and punching Novu, who simply chuckled.

"I suppose I deserve that." Novu said.

"You deserve worse and once we go our separate ways, you better hope you never see me again, because I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that the next time I see your ugly mug, I have a way to kill you." Oliver promised.

"And I'm sure you'll have plenty of help. But for now, would you like me to answer your questions?" Novu asked.

"You promise, no more riddles, you'll tell me the whole truth straightforward, none of your usual BS?" Oliver asked.

"No reason for secrecy anymore. Now, can I start or would you rather waste more time with me that you could be spending with your loved ones." Novu said and Oliver nodded at him to proceed.

"Thank you. Your sacrifice did indeed create a new universe, however, it appears that forces that are beyond even my control have decided that you're still needed, you still have to live. You still have work to do." Novu said.

"What work could I possibly have to do?" Oliver asked.

"For some reason, there is something very interesting about the day that you and the other paragons will be inserted into." Novu said.

"And what's that?" Oliver asked, tired of him talking in riddles.

"It's the day you returned home from Lian Yu. The day the age of heroes began. It appears that when you created this new earth, you did more than just bring back the people who died during the crisis, you also gave yourself a second chance to correct your mistakes of the past." Novu said.

"Wow, Sara wasn't kidding when she said that it would be a do over. But I have to ask, why the day I came home from Lian Yu? Why not the day I was supposed to leave on that boat in the first place?" Oliver asked.

"Because doing so would cause countless repercussions. Your entire time on Lian Yu is a fixed point in time, meaning that it cannot be altered beyond what's already been changed due to the new world having a new timeline. But if you do not go on the Gambit, then you never become the Green Arrow, which means that countless threats and countless lives will be lost if you don't. Everything you went through made you the man you are today. Especially your father's sacrifice. You can't change things that will change you." Novu said.

"I guess that does make sense. If dad hadn't had done what he did, I probably would've died before I even made it to the island. I never would've been able to save my city. But still." Oliver said and Novu nodded.

"I understand, truly I do. But I advise you not to focus on those you cannot save, focus on those that you can." Novu said and Oliver nodded, since that did make sense.

"So, it sounds like the land of the living isn't done with me yet." Oliver said and Novu nodded.

"However, I'm doubtful that you'll get another chance after this, so I recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity you've been given. Live your life to the fullest. Correct as many mistakes from your past as you can." Novu said and Oliver nodded.

"So, are you gonna send me on my way?" Oliver asked, honestly a bit impatient, since he was looking forward to seeing so many people again. Well, one person in particular.

"Of course. But first, here are the memories of your counterpart so you won't be caught unaware when you wake up in the new world. I wish you the best of luck Mr. Queen." Novu said.

"And I hope I never see your ugly mug again." Oliver said as Novu chuckled before sending him into the new world.

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