Chapter 13

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"Well, that was fun." Laurel said with a grin as she put her shirt back on after they'd finished having sex.

"I agree. I'd forgotten just how good that was." Oliver said.

"Tell me the truth, who was better, me or Felicity?" Laurel asked.

"You. Don't tell Felicity." Oliver said, since that was the truth.

"I wouldn't dream of it, I just wanted to hear you say it." Laurel said with a smile she kissed him.

"So, I'm guessing tonight you'll show me your base of operations?" Oliver asked.

"Yes and I'll also bring you to speed on what you've missed. Though we'll need to find a way to cover you going to Central City to get your costume, though mine came from Wayne Enterprises, since I was trained by Batman." Laurel said.

"True." Oliver said.

"Anyways, we should probably get back downstairs." Laurel said and Oliver nodded as they finished getting dressed before heading downstairs.

"So, did you two have fun?" Thea asked with a smirk.

"Don't tell me that you and Roy haven't any fun in this house either?" Oliver reminded her as he and Laurel returned to the party.

"I think I should go." Roy said, only to have Oliver grab his arm and pull him aside.

"You know you're lucky I already know what a good guy you are right?" Oliver asked.

"I'd be even more scared of you if you didn't." Roy said.

"Good. Because if I find out that you've ghosted Thea again, I will turn you into an actual ghost." Oliver said darkly.

"I'm not making that mistake again. I've realized that running away from Thea won't protect her from problems. Especially since we always end up back together anyways." Roy said.

"I know that Thea is leading whatever operation you have going on down in San Francisco, but I need you to promise me you will keep an eye on her for me." Oliver said.

"You know I will." Roy said.

"Good. Then I'll talk to my mom and see if I can get her to come around on you." Oliver promised.

"I'd appreciate that." Roy said.

"Yeah, you really know how to make bad first impressions with my mom. Lucky she's not the Queen you're dating. But I swear, if you get Thea pregnant before you put a ring on her, I will find a way to unleash the spectre power in me on you." Oliver promised.

"I don't doubt that." Roy said.

"Don't worry, from what I can tell, I can only use those powers in events that are Crisis level." Oliver promised him.

"And I wouldn't put it past you to start one, just give you an excuse to use those powers on me." Roy said.

"I'm sure that Thea can protect you, since I can tell that she's got some kind of godly connection herself." Oliver said.

"I'll let her tell you about that." Roy said and Oliver nodded as they rejoined the party, right as they heard a knock on the door.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" Oliver asked, thinking that all the guests were here.

"Not that I know of." Moira said as she went to open the door and smiled at who she saw on the other side.

"Oliver, you have another military friend here to see you." Moira said and Oliver smiled when he saw Iris West and more importantly, Barry Allen, standing in the doorframe.

"Sargent West." Oliver said, since Iris had been stationed at Fort Santos with him and Rene and she'd been Rene's commanding officer in the navy like how John had been his commanding officer in the army.

"Private Queen, Private Ramirez." Iris said as she hugged Oliver briefly before making her way over to Rene.

"Oliver." Barry said with a smile.

"I hope you're not expecting me to apologize for the deal I made." Oliver said to Barry.

"Why would I be mad at you for making the same call I would've made. Besides, it all worked out for the best. I'm just happy that you're alive." Barry said as he hugged his old friend.

"Glad to hear it." Oliver said as he hugged Barry too.

"Oh, I come bearing gifts from Cisco." Barry said as he reached into his pocket and produced three gold rings, one with an arrow insignia on an emerald background, one with a helmet insignia on a black background and the last one was a ring that had a sort of dog face on a navy blue background.

"I'm guessing these don't require super speed to use?" Oliver asked and Barry nodded.

"Cisco cracked it. Just put them on and press the buttons on the side and you know what will happen next." Barry said and Oliver nodded.

"I appreciate that Barry." Oliver said.

"He would've made one for Laurel, but he could tell that she's already covered." Cisco said.

"Actually, maybe you could have him take a look at Laurel's suit and see if he can modify it so she can carry her suit around too. Her and her new student Dawn." Oliver said and Barry nodded.

"We'll see about that later. Right now, I just want to celebrate having a friend back." Barry said.

"I'll drink to that." Oliver said as he handed Barry a beer.

"So, I noticed something between you and Laurel." Barry said.

"Barry." Oliver said.

"Please, we both know Sara's going to give you the same exact treatment when she shows up." Barry said with a chuckle.

"Fair enough, but I've known Sara a lot longer than I've known you, plus she's Laurel's sister." Oliver said and Barry laughed.

"Fair point. But anyways, I think we need to talk about all the changes that have been made in this new reality." Barry said and Oliver nodded as they made their way over to the couch, where they saw Iris and Laurel getting along well.

"It looks like our future wives are getting along pretty well." Barry said.

"Right, I noticed the ring on Iris's finger. Let's hope your wedding this time goes better than it did last time." Oliver said as they clinked their beers together.

"Yeah, but there is one thing I wanted to ask you." Barry said.

"And what's that?" Oliver asked.

"I want you to be my best man at the wedding." Barry said, much to Oliver's surprise.

"Are you sure?" Oliver asked.

"As long as you don't hijack my wedding date again." Barry said and Oliver chuckled.

"Don't worry, that won't happen again. But is Cisco okay with this?" Oliver asked, since he honestly would've thought that Barry would've chosen Cisco.

"He's fine. He might be my best friend, but you Oliver, you're like a brother to me." Barry said and Oliver smiled.

"In that case, I'd be honored. So what other changes have happened for you?" Oliver asked as they continued talking.

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