𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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♪ But there is a light
In the dark, and I feel its warmth ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

Olivia is a nice girl, she is smart for her age, she is very talkative and she is affectionate. She is almost the opposite of her father. He is quieter, not very sociable but smart, she took that from him definitely, they had the same way of thinking. She followed me through the whole supermarket, she chose what she wanted, she asked what my favorite stuff was and what brand, and what did I recommend. Even if I was talking to Sophie she would be in the middle pitching in.

"Claire, do you have a boyfriend?" She asks while I helped Max bag everything.

"I don't honey. I am currently single" I say giving her a smile and I see her looking at Sophie who just let out a laugh.

"Don't mind her, she tried this a few times" Max mutters nonchalantly and I laugh.

"You are such a nice person with a warming personality, why wouldn't anyone want you?" I ask sarcastically and he laughs.

"Well, I guess people who like me must have a particular taste. Sorry if I don't fit in it" He says shrugging and finally pays.

"Sure" I say turning around and looking at Olivia who smiled.

"Thank you for coming, you are very nice" She says holding my hand with both of her hands.

"Don't worry darling. I will be around for a while, he will get used to it" I say and she smiles as we walked back to the car. The trip was quiet and we went to our building's garage.

Max didn't allow me to help him with the bags so I just opened the door while he got in. The three of us just watched as he carried it all.

"Thank you for this. I still owe you one. Tell me if you need anything" He says as I was starting to leave.

"Don't worry about it. There is nothing to owe. See you soon baby" I say giving Olivia a kiss on the cheek, I wink at Sophie who smiles and I just nod at Max.

"See you soon" He says with a smile and I leave to my door while listening to his closing.

Days went by and I crossed ways with him a few times, Olivia always stayed talking to me for long minutes. Sophie came to say goodbye because she had to leave back to the Netherlands. I was relaxing on the couch when I hear a knock on my door. I open it and see my brother, the one and only Charles Leclerc.

"So, you know about Olivia now uh?" He asks curiously as I sat back on the couch.

"You could've told me. I was completely blindsided, I am not following every step he makes" I say and he laughs.

"It wasn't important, surprises are more genuine either way. I need you to do Max a favor" He says and I look curiously and suspiciously at him.

"If it's for Max why are you the one asking?"

"Because he would never ask. Sophie left and he needs help with Olivia, she is a bit sick today and we all have a meeting in an hour because of the new season. Could you please watch her for the afternoon?" He asks and I nod.

"Of course, bring her in. I will return her by the end of the afternoon as good as new" I say excitedly and I see him nervously running his hand through his hair. "You didn't tell him did you?"

"I wanted to ask you first" Charles says giving me his puppy eyes and I roll mine.

"That doesn't work on me" I say angrily walking by his side and I go to Max's door as Charles leaned on my door frame while it closed.

"Hey. I can't really-" Max starts saying as he opens the door until he sees me. "Claire, can I help you?" He asks clearly confused.

"Charles told me you need help. I can stay with her, it's just for a few hours. Go ahead and I will be here when you get back" I say calmly and he looks back.

"Are you sure? She is really cranky because of the stomach pain" He says reluctantly and I shake my head.

"She will be fine, you will go to work and I will take care of her. Just do it" I say and he nods picking up his jacket.

"These are the extra keys. Make yourself comfortable and keep them in case of an emergency" He says giving me his keys and I smile.

"Go ahead, we will be just fine" I say and he nods. I follow him to the little girl who was laying on the couch.

"Liefje, Claire will be with you while I go to work for a few hours. Be nice and behave, I will be back soon" He says caressing her cheek and hair while her smile appeared.

"Don't worry about her" I whisper as he prepares to leave and he nods giving me a smile.

"We will start by sitting down and you will drink a lot of water to keep hydrated. Did he give you any medication?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No, he doesn't know a lot about it" She says confusedly and I smile.

"Well, I will look for it" I say and we go to the kitchen where I gave her water and started looking for medication in the highest cabinets and I found it. I gave her paracetamol and kept her busy.

We pretended to be mermaids and then I did her hair, which she loved. I mean, it's easy to understand that Max is not a good hairdresser, he does the best he can and he is getting by.

"I really like you. You are very cool Claire" She says as we were laying on the couch who was on bed mode because it was more comfortable.

"I like you too darling. Are you feeling better?" I ask and she nods smiling.

"Yes, I feel like a princess with this hair, you are magical" She says happily before hugging me.

"You are a princess, don't ever doubt it. You are very special" I say noticing how she was starting to fall asleep and I did too with her still in my arms. She is such a special little girl.

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