𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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♪ It comes and goes in waves
It always does ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

"Do you think my dad will be alone forever?" She suddenly asks me while I was brushing her hair.

"He is not alone, neither are you" I say dodging the question.

"He is alone, he doesn't have a girlfriend, most people have someone. You don't have a boyfriend too" She says innocently.

"I know, but having a boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't stop you from being alone. He will have one, you will see it" I say confidently, Max is a good guy if you get to know him, at least he used to be.

"Do I stop him from having a girlfriend? Am I too much work?" She asks turning around with worry on her face.

"You shouldn't be talking about this, you are only 4. Where do you get these ideas?" I ask surprisedly.

"I hear people talking. They don't know who I am most of the time, dad says is safer" She says with sadness. I pick her up and sit her on my lap.

"You are his daughter. You are his biggest and purest love. You are his number one priority and he can only be with someone who won't take it as competition and who will love you like you are hers. It will take time but he has to be careful, for him and for you" I say and she listened carefully.

"I wish it was you, or someone like you" She says touching my hair.

"It will be someone who will like you as much as I do or even more" I say starting to do her hair.

"Thank you for being so nice. I like you" She says happily and I smile, she is so pure. Why would people be commenting about Max's love life around a kid? Even if they don't know she is his kid.

I finished and took her back to the Red Bull's garage, she asked me to keep her hair hidden so Max would be surprised, I honestly don't think he wouldn't care. He would like it as long as she was happy. We arrived by his side right before the next practice.

"Is she sleeping?" He asks confused by his daughter being covered by the Ferrari jacket.

"She wants you to see her hair" I say and he nods confusedly.

"Look at how pretty she did it! She is magical" Olivia says finally uncovering herself, and her hair, to a completely unaware Max.

"You are even prettier than you were. Look at it! A true talent" Max says sounding excited and I try not to laugh.

"Let me show everyone" She says leaving my arms and going around the garage.

"Thank you for this. You are very patient with her. I really appreciate it" He says giving me a warm smile.

"There is no patience needed, she is a sweet girl. Stop being so hard on yourself, you can use some help and people don't mind giving it to you. Take it and appreciate it, go on some dates, and remember you are still young. Live your life, nothing is holding you back" I say and he is surprised.

"Did she talk to you about that? I have no time, you know it"

"She was scared she was holding you back, we talked and she seemed to understand. People were talking around her and she heard" I say and he nods while listening carefully.

"Thank you for the help. I hope to see you around" He says and I smile.

"Good luck for the season. We will definitely be seeing each other around" I say and leave the garage and go to Charles before he got in for the practice.

"Were you having fun with the Verstappens?" He asked clearly amused.

"With your rival bestie? No. I was with the Verstappen Junior" I say and he laughs.

"Glad to know you like the daughter. It's needed in a relationship" He says clearly teasing me and I try not to laugh.

"Good luck Charles" I say giving him a quick hug and he leaves for his car.

I watch it all from the garage, Max got back on top, and he got to first place in the practice. I smiled and  saw Charles coming in my direction.

"You are the lucky one. You will either celebrate my wins or his's" Charles says letting out a laugh.

"Don't be an asshole. I helped him with his daughter. We barely talk, that doesn't make us friends" I say defending myself because Charles is a pain in the ass when he gets these ideas. But ever since we were kids, he has been making these kinds of assumptions about us but it was different back in the day.

"Let's see it then. By the way, Lando was looking for you. Are you deciding between Lando or Max? You know my preference, right?" He asks and I give him a slight push.

"Back off Charles. I am not interested in your friends/colleagues/rivals" I say while he laughs.

"I know sis. I just want you to know that if someday it happens with any of them or another person I might know, you have my full support. I have to go now. I will see you around" He says giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving. He passes by Charlotte and gives her a quick kiss.

"So, you are very popular around here" Charlotte says while we waited.

"I don't think so, I'm just known by people my brothers talks to" I say indifferently.

"That's nice. I am glad you are around this year, Charles could use the motivation" She says excitedly and I nod looking at the screen where he appeared. I missed this.

It's a bit chaotic but it's nice being back and seeing the people I grew up with either being friends of mine or hearing about them because my brother idolized them. I am happy he found what he liked but maybe I like the degree I took, I just need something more interactive and Formula 1 teams are offering me that. This year will decide my career.

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