𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 55

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♫ Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors
And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other ♫

Claire Leclerc POV

Honoring my dad at the birth of my son was always a thought that ran through the back of my mind, I know it's something with mixed emotions but a middle name won't hurt anyone and it has meaning. Looking at the baby in my arms made everything worth it, I looked at him and I loved him just as purely as I loved Olivia. Mom was right, when you become a parent it's the most selfless love of all. It's unconditional.

I couldn't for everyone to see him. I would stay her until the morning and then we could leave. He was carried to full term and the deliver went fine wirh no complications. I was sore but I would live through it. Max slept here, the tiredness made us fall asleep too quickly. The baby was with the nurses so we could rest. In the morning the doctor gave us a lot of tips and I was given a lactation class which ended up with Abel being breastfed quite easily which made me relieved.

We finally got on the car to go home. Mac texted everyone to meet us there. Charles had an extra key so I know that it would be easy for them to do it.

"They are coming!" Olivia says excitedly as Max starts unlocking the door to the penthouse and I try not to laugh.

"Hello everyone!" We both say excitedly as I hold Abel in my arms and Olivia runs to us.

"What's his name? Is he okay?" She asks as her eyes shined from so much excitement.

"His name is Abel Hervé Leclerc Verstappen. He is healthy and ready to join the family" I say and see how my mom and brothers' eyes got glassy.

"I wasn't expecting that" Mom says as she wipes the tear that had just rolled down.

"I had that thought and Max asked me about it when we found out it was a boy. He said it would be a good idea and I couldn't be happier" I say proudly and Charles hugs Max.

"Thank you!" Charles says while obviously emotional.

"Can I pick him up?" Olivia asks obviously scared.

"Sit on the couch and I will help you pick him up" I say and watch as she runs to the couch. I put the baby carefully in her arms and once he was there she watched him with a huge smile.

"Congratulations honey! And thank you for this blessing" Sophie says as she hugs me.

"Thank you everyone for the help. It means a lot, we couldn't do it without you all" I say happily.

I sat down and watched as everyone picked Abel up, the love was almost palpable in this room and I was loving it. Charles sat by my side and smiled.

"A year ago you were moving next door to him, now you are the mother of his children. How does it feel?" He asks teasingly.

"It feels surreal. I didn't expect that my year to relax was going to turn into building a family" I say as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"You changed that little girl's life, and Max's too. You are something else" Charles says as my smile grows.

"They changed my life too" I say happily.

They stayed the rest of the day and the baby did cry to fed so every two hours we had a crying baby but it was good. The family is complete. We turned on the television after having eaten dinner while the baby slept in his portable crib. I saw Max getting up and going upstairs and I shrugged.

"How are you feeling? Still sore?" Mom asks and I nod.

"It's worth it. I am feeling good, blessed actually"

"What the-" Arthur's voice is heard when there is a complete blackout in the apartment.

"MAX!" I call out worriedly.

"There's light outside" Lorenzo says confusedly. I get up, turn on the flashlight on my phone and walk outside as everyone stays in the living room.

When I approach the outside I see the sunset on the horizon and Max on his bended knee and I am now in shock. I looked to the floor and saw 'Marry Me?' spelled out with candles and surprise took over me.

"Claire, you've taught me what love is. I never knew if I would have such an intense love that I would kill for it, but I met you. I met the love of my life you changed my point of view on everything. You showed me that I am enough, that I am a good father, a good driver, and a good boyfriend. You made me want to be better every day. I love you more every single day as my girlfriend and the mother of my children. For that and a million other reasons, I am here to ask you: Will you marry me?" Max's words are emotional, and honest and bring me a wave of happiness and happy tears with them. He opens the little box in his hand to show me the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen.

"Yes! Of course!" I almost shout in the excitement and he rises from his feet and kisses me. The kiss is followed by his putting the ring on my finger and a hug.

"This was so good!" Victoria says as she wipes her tears and now I know everyone was watching.

"Did you know?" I ask curiously.

"Of course. Someone had to arrange that and we had to record it. We couldn't miss this" Lorenzo says as he comes to hug me.

"The happy couple is now even happier" Charles says as he gives me a wink and I laugh.

Everyone was in on it and I couldn't even be mad because I loved it! I never thought I would have my baby and be proposed to on the same day. Best day of my life.


My loves!

The votes have been counted. Lando won and Fernando got a close second so I will post the first chapter of both today. I still don't know if I will update them once or twice a week but I still hope you like them.

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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