𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 32

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♬ And I know that I got a couple of issues
But it's fine, keep playing with my loose screws ♬

Max Verstappen POV

Having my dad here was tense but I basically ignored him and just pretended like he wasn't here. Friday was over and I was more than glad to be back at the hotel, Claire stayed behind with Charles and Arthur. I was tucking Olivia in when she finally said something that caught my attention.

"Can I not hide from people?" She asks pouting and I look confusedly at her.

"You are not hiding, I am just trying to keep you safe liefje. Is that bothering you?" I ask preoccupied.

"I feel safe. I want to be able to be with you and Claire everywhere. Carlota and Sergio don't hide" She says talking about Sergio's kids and I nod.

"I think it's your choice to make. If you want your photos around the internet I don't mind, I can keep you safe" I say holding her hand and she smiles.

"Please" She says happily.

"We will do it then" I say kissing her head and she giggles.

"You are the best. Thank you dad" She says wrapping her little arms around my neck and I smile.

"We will take care of it tomorrow" I say kissing her cheek.

"Can Claire enter the paddock with us tomorrow? She makes me feel safe" She asks hopeful and I nod.

"I will give her a call so she can do your hair in the morning but you need to go to sleep"

Her answer was a rapid nod before she snuggled up. I went into my room and messaged Claire asking if she could be here by 8 AM, she said she would and that was it. I took a quick shower and I went to bed.

I fell asleep without even noticing and woke up with Olivia excitedly jumping on the bed. I got dressed because Claire would be here in 5 minutes and she won't see me in sleeping shorts. I heard the knocks on the door and when I got out from getting ready Claire was already there.

"What is the special occasion for me to be summoned this early?" She asks curiously looking at both of us.

"I asked Dad to finally be normal and show my face. I wanted you to come with us and Dad said you could come earlier and help me get my hair pretty" Olivia speaker rapidly and Claire nodded.

"Well, that is great. Let's get that done. But your hair is beautiful how it is, it looks so good" She says excitedly pointing to the bathroom.

"Good morning" I say as we stand face to face.

"Good morning. Could you get us our breakfast? We can head straight to the circuit after I'm finished with her, she must be hungry"

"I will take care of it. Thank you for helping" I say kissing her cheek and she nods.

"No problem" She says smiling and I leave the room.

"Are you coming for breakfast? We can go together?" My dad asks as he was leaving his room too.

"I don't think so" I say dismissive and wait for the elevator.

"Claire is a feisty one. Just like your mom, you should be careful. You should boss your woman around, not the contrary" He said it and I only laughed.

"Well, being the alfa definitely worked for you. Show me how many championships you got with that theory. Oh, wait. How about you show me your awesome long-lasting relationship? Oh, that's also fucked up already, multiple times. How about you show me your clean criminal record? Damn it. I can't seem to see what you did that was so good for me to hear your advice now that I know better" I say before the door of the elevator opens and I get out.

I order our breakfast and head to a flower shop close by. I picked up two bouquets, a smaller one for Olivia and a bigger one for Claire. That's the only thing that made me leave the room. I went back up and entered the room. They were so entertained that they didn't even look at me. They were sitting on the bed, Claire carefully braiding her hair and both singing the songs that were coming from her phone.

"Is that for us?" Olivia asks when she sees me and I nod happily.

"Is it baby" I say with a smile and give her the small one. Claire smiled and finished the braid without even looking at me.

"Take yours too. They smell really good" Olivia says turning around to Claire. Claire looks at me confusedly and sees the bigger bouquet in my hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was just one. Thank you" She says quickly smiling and taking it in her hands.

"No problem. Her hair looks great" I say as I watch Olivia admiring herself in the mirror proudly.

"It's beautiful!" Olivia says animatedly and we laugh.

We ate breakfast and talked a bit as Claire was picking an outfit for Olivia. It was great being just us three. I can see the difference from last year to now.

"You didn't have to buy it for me too, it's fine" Claire says while Olivia admired her flowers.

"It was mainly for you but she deserves it too" I am met with silence and I see that she was quiet. "Did I do something wrong? Are you allergic or something?" I ask worriedly about fucking it up unknowingly.

"No. I- Nobody ever gave me flowers or a bouquet. I was taken aback but I appreciate it. I really do! It's gorgeous" She says looking at the arrangements.

"You deserve every flower in the world. I mean it" I say focused on her and she looks at me locking our eyes.

"That was too cheesy" She says letting out a laugh.

"It was, sorry about that" I say shrugging and laughing.

"Are you ready to introduce your daughter to the world?" She asks as Olivia left the room with the clothes chosen by Claire and her.

"It's what she wants, I will respect her. I understand her point of view. Why does she have to keep hidden if the other kids don't? I can't answer that, I just wanted to keep her protected. But she wants to be with us everywhere and I understand her" I say feeling the nervousness as I thought about it.

"She will be fine. She is more than protected" She says confidently. I sure hope that is true.

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