𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 30

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♬You spike my drink
Then give me a wink
And pour me another cup♬

Max Verstappen POV

Claire headed inside and I stayed there with the Leclerc brothers who seemed pleased to have me here. I was surprised with the invite but I had no chance for excuses before Olivia excitedly accepted the invite.

"So, how is it going? Is Olivia doing okay with her mother's appearance?" Lorenzo asks and I nod sitting down on one of the chairs she had outside.

"She seems surprisingly unaffected. I think having Claire made it easier or maybe she is a bit older and not scared. I really don't know but I am glad she feels good. No nightmares or anything" I say honestly relieved. I looked inside and she was happily talking with Claire and Pascale.

"Claire seems to have a really deep connection with her. I think it's good for both of them. Claire was feeling a bit hopeless with only work and courses so having something to focus on is good even now that she is on a break" Arthur blurts it out and it kind of made sense.

"She is someone who likes to keep busy. I have never seen her so focused on something that does her so well. Because a job in a company is just that but Olivia is a child and brings her infinite joy. We get in the paddock and she will abandon me for Olivia in a heartbeat" Charles says letting out a laugh.

"She is more than welcome in Olivia's life. I am not going to stop what they have going on between them. Olivia relates to her and Claire is good with her so I am open to it. I don't really care as long as my daughter is happy" I say taking a sip of my beer.

"They are both happy, that is all that matters" Lorenzo says getting up.

"Take care of her, she is not that tough, she likes to think she is" Charles says as his brothers got inside.

"She is tougher than me, I can assure you that. Your sister can drive me crazy and pretend it never happened the next second" I said it with genuine worry but we both laughed at it and went inside.

"We will go on a shopping spree, it will be fun" Pascale says with Olivia on her lap and Claire laughs.

"A lot of money is involved in that offer" Claire says with her back to me.

"I will give you my card gladly" I offer as I put down the empty beer. A scared Claire turns around to look at me with her hand on her heart and wide eyes. I guess I should've been in plain sight before talking.

"Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill me? Just make a sound when you walk" Claire says while recovering from the scare.

"You knew I was on the balcony, it's no surprise. My offer still stands though. Tell me the date and I will give you my card so you can have fun. And don't even dare to say no" I say as her mouth opened up to protest.

"Dad! Can I have a lot of matching clothes with Mom?" Olivia asks enthusiastically, her eyes seemed like they were literally shining. It was adorable.

"Of course, you can have whatever you want baby" I say giving her a wink and she giggles.

"Does your mom dress well?" Pascale asks with Olivia still in her lap. Olivia looked up and smiled.

"She is always the best dressed. Claire has the best hair and the best clothes" She says like it was the most monumental thing ever and I think in her eyes it was.

"Oh, Claire is your mom?" Pascale finally understands and she seems pleasantly surprised as she looked at her daughter with a smile.

"She said mom is not necessarily the woman who had me. That I can choose and I chose Claire. And Claire said yes" She says happily.

"Maybe one day you can choose me as your grandma too. I will treat you as well as Claire does and I will give you a lot of hidden candies. And when you get older I will give you money when your parents aren't watching" Pascale says pretending to whisper and I smile when I see the smile on Olivia's face.

"I can have two grandmas? Look how cool that would be" She says excitedly.

"It would be really cool. You can have a grandma in Monaco and another in the Netherlands" Pascale says with a huge smile.

"She is in heaven" Lorenzo says letting out a laugh and going into the fridge for more beer.

"What else can I have?" Olivia asks interested and Claire laughs.

"If Claire is your mom then her family is your family. She has three brothers so those are your uncles if you decide so. It's all up to you" Pascale explains pointing to the three brothers chatting by the kitchen aisle and they wave at her.

"That is so cool" She says amazed and I could only smile.

"I will never hear the end of this. My mom is completely in heaven now" Claire says stopping by my side while shaking her head and crossing her arms.

"I am happy for Olivia, she never had this many people to look up to. It was always me, my mom, and Victoria. And I spend most of my time here so it's been mostly me" I say watching Olivia as she made her way to Arthur who picked her up and put her on the kitchen aisle while they talked to her excitedly.

"She deserves it. She deserves anything really, she is a really good kid" Claire says leaning on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her waist to hold her.

"So, you are a mom now? I deserved to know. I would've brought a gift for my first grandchild" Pascale says with a playful tone and we both laugh.

"We have grown close in these months. I understand it might be hard to wrap your mind around it but she is great" Claire says without a hint of worry in her voice.

"It's not hard. She is amazing, she draws you close. She is more than great, you did an awesome job, Max. I am glad this is happening, I think it's time for both of you to see where that is going because it's deeper than some bickering" She says seriously and I nod.

"Time will tell" I say keeping it ambiguous.

I think it was enough since Olivia called us and demanded a family reunion around the aisle. So, Olivia has a bigger family now. And I am glad the Leclercs were the ones that gave her that.T They accepted her with open arms and with love. I am more than grateful to Claire for giving her this chance.

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