𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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♫ You gave me a shoulder when I needed it
You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it ♫

Max Verstappen POV

I woke up the next day at 6 AM, I was going to check on my daughter, I entered her room and she was not there. I looked in the bathroom and nothing, all over the house and again, nothing. I went to ask Claire for help and that's when I see Olivia was with her. She was sleeping with her. I remember when they fell asleep when she was sick. She would sometimes come into my room too but it didn't cross my mind.

I went to train outside and let them keep sleeping. Two hours had gone by and I was almost finished when I hear Claire's voice.

"Good morning" She says sitting on the bench, I pick up the towel and start cleaning the sweat off my body.

"Good morning. I saw Olivia in your bed when I woke up, I'm sorry. Did she wake you up? Is she okay? Was it a nightmare?" I ask worriedly and she shrugs.

"I made breakfast and she is eating in the living room. I didn't ask her why she came but she was fine the whole night. Don't worry so much, she is great" She says getting up.

"I'm finished here. I will go eat something too after a quick shower" I say following her inside.

"Your breakfast is ready, you can go ahead. It will be there when you get back" She says going to Olivia's side in the living room.

"Daddy! Claire cooks really well, the pancakes she made were really good!" She says coming in my direction happily.

"Pancakes? That sounds fun. She will teach me the recipe so I can make them a lot more for you" I say picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"You are all sticky from the sweat. Let me go" She says trying to jump from my arms and I laugh putting her on the floor.

I went upstairs and took a short, I put on a shirt and jeans and got downstairs. I went into the kitchen and sit down by Claire's side.

"They look good" I say looking at the pancakes she had ready for me.

"They are healthy too, Charles loves them, and also very nutritious" She says eating from her plate.

"Mine was cuter than yours. Claire likes me more" Olivia says putting her tongue out and I laugh.

"Is that true?" I ask looking curiously at Claire who also laughs.

"I made Mickey pancakes for her, she loved them. Kids are pretty easy to please, she is not as rigorous as her dad" She says having fun with the situation.

"Her dad is very hard to please. But you are doing great, keep trying" I was being truthful, Claire always goes further than any expectations you might have of her.

It was peaceful having her here with us. Olivia had someone who understood her better, she would ask Claire for help with her hair, and we would watch movies and play. We went out to a lot of cool places and Olivia definitely loved it. She always followed Claire around, she was like a shadow, I think she idolizes her. I haven't even told anybody from my family that Claire was here.

We haven't talked about it again. We are now enjoying a quiet afternoon in the living room. There is a movie on, each one has their drink and Olivia is taking a nap. It's peaceful and it feels good.

"I have to go get my family from the airport in an hour" I say as the movie ends.

"Is Jos coming?" She asks and I'm surprised by the question.

"Why? Is my father a problem?" I ask confusedly.

"He is a problem, you know it. And I've never felt completely comfortable around him so I was making sure I wouldn't have to spend 7 days in the same house as him" She says honestly and I nod. I have been more separated from Dad. I don't relate to him anymore and I understand the shit he has done to me.

"You won't. I don't think he will come to the birthday party" I say calmly.

"About the birthday party. Olivia asked if she could go dressed up, I could do her hair and makeup. I could do yours too" She says giving me puppy eyes and I try not to roll my eyes.

"If you knew all the things I've done for my little girl you would understand that I would do anything for her. Take my card and give her whatever she wants for the party. She wanted a mermaid theme or something but if she tells you what she wants then that's fine, you two can use me as an ATM. Tell me what to assemble, where and at what time" I say and she bursts out laughing.

"I never thought you would answer like that. Does that mean that I can paint your face?" She asks and I shrug.

"If that will make her happy then go ahead" I say nonchalantly.

"Sunday will be fun. Remember to end the race, do your interviews, and come back home as quickly as possible so she can have her party before she goes to sleep" She says kicking me in the butt with her foot and I sit down on the couch.

"The party can go on while the race goes on. Everyone will stay here and I will get back as soon as possible" I say seeing her also sit.

"But I will only cut the cake and sing happy birthday when her dad is here" She says getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"What are you doing? You are not making food for everyone" I say getting up to stop her from taking the things out of the fridge.

"Oh, I am. You are not ordering food. I am cooking. It's only 5 adults, two babies, and a kid. That is easy" She says pushing me out of her way. It's not that she is that strong but I know her enough to not challenge her.

And with that, I went to get dressed so I could leave but I helped her wherever she guided me to. When the time came I went to the airport. And there was my mom, sister, Tom, and my nephews. Who were just as excited to see me.

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