𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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♪ The freedom of falling
A feeling I thought was set in stone
It slips through my fingers ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

We were eating and Lando shows up, we met a few times, and we had some after-parties we shared, including in Abu Dhabi, my brother was with Max but Lando invited me and I went. I guess I always felt different around Max, he is intimidating to everyone but I don't feel that and I find it odd so I just avoided him.

"Claire! I didn't know you and Max were close" He says surprised while greeting me.

"We are childhood friends. One of the many people I got to know thanks to Charles' passion" I say giving him a smile.

"I figured you skipped the after-party in Abu Dhabi because you two didn't get along or something" Lando says and I feel Max's eyes on me. Fuck.

"We haven't talked in years so I preferred to not go" I say and Lando nods. Max had a smile but he looked pissed off or disappointed, I don't really know.

"Do you want to join us?" Max asks pointing to the seat in front of me and by Olivia's side.

"I just came to greet you, I came here with two friends. See you tomorrow" He says while leaving and now this will be awkward.

"This is not high school. You owe me no explanations, you made a choice and it's fine. Why would you come to celebrate my win? We barely talk, it's understandable" He says after a few minutes of playing with Olivia.

"I'm glad you understand" I say more relieved, but I could tell something was off. That wasn't all but I wasn't about to tell him everything. It's useless now.

"I hear Red Bull, Ferrari, Mc Laren and Mercedes are at the same hotel" I say and he nods.

"I guess you will see me all weekend, either you like it or not" He says shrugging.

"I would see you anyway. The footage of the current champion are always being broadcasted through the paddock" I say letting out a laugh, which he follows.

"It's the least I deserve. Charles will get the same treatment one day"

"We should go, she is almost falling asleep" I say looking at Olivia who was closing her eyes slowly.

"Thank you for today. I will try not to ruin the hair. You did a great job" He says while getting up.

"Don't worry about it, I like her, I do it for her" I say and he nods laughing. He pays and picks Olivia up carefully. She opened her eyes for brief seconds and smiled at me.

"Good night Claire" She whispers while starting to close her gorgeous eyes.

"Good night liefje" I whisper back giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before covering her little face with Max's jacket.

We both went to the car and we arrived at the hotel. We were on the elevator and got out on the same floor. Max was two rooms before mine so I prepared to say good night.

"I will see you tomorrow, thank you for dinner and the ride" I say giving him a smile.

"Thank you for being good to her. That is the best thing someone can do for me" He says and I knew it was honest.

"I would never be bad to a kid. Especially her. You can relax, she is in good hands, and you are a good father. Stop blaming yourself for any small thing" I say and he nods opening the door.

"Take care" He says before disappearing into his room.

The weekend was fast. I said hello to Olivia every morning, I discreetly got into the motorhome and spent a few minutes there. Sunday came and I partied Charles' victory. I was coming to my room with Lando, since Charles and Arthur were staying on the floor above us.

"Could we- I don't know. Could we have dinner together? Like a date" Lando asks nervously and I laugh, I think the alcohol has gotten into him.

"Are you that drunk? You are asking me on a date" I say and he confusedly nods.

"I kinda like you so I would like to go on a date, I get too nervous around you. Maybe the fact that you are Charles' sister is kind of scary to me but the alcohol is helping" He says and I think about it.

"I will tell you something in Saudi Arabia, I'm just too drunk to think about that possibility and I don't want to create some illusion or hope" I say and he smiles nodding.

"I would like you to think about it, there is no need to rush. I just meant to ask this for the longest time and I never did so I did it now that I felt the courage to" He says running his hand through his hair.

"I appreciate it. Have a good night" I say and he nods.

"Can I give you a goodbye hug?" He asks and I nod. Why not? His arms wrapped around me and I leaned on the door of my room. It lasted for a few minutes and he stepped back. "I will see you in a few days in Saudi Arabia"

"No doubt, we will be there Tuesday" I say and he nods.

"So will I. Get some rest, you will need it" He says while going into his door and opening it quickly.

"You too" I say and start to look in my purse for my card.

"It's on the floor" I hear Max's voice say and I look to the floor to pick it up. He is faster and gives it to me.

"Isn't it too late for you?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I went for a quick walk, I needed fresh air to think. Are you okay?" He asks and I see his eyes looking at Lando's door a few rooms after mine. Did he hear it? He could've heard it.

"Better would be impossible" I say shrugging and he nods.

"Fantastic. I will see you in a few days then. Good night" He says quickly turning around and leaving to his door.

"Good night" I say back and enter my room.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got into a large shirt, and fell asleep as soon as I landed on my bed. The last thing I thought about was: Was Max mad? Did he hear Lando? Did he not like it? That doesn't make sense. Right?

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