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♫ I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're pushing and shoving ♫

Max Verstappen POV

When no last words were spoken and we heard the gunshot I saw her mom completely break down to her knees on the floor. I think everything in me broke at that moment. I heard the screams coming from everyone, I think they were shocked that we could've heard Claire getting murdered. 

The cries from everyone in the room were breaking but my daughter on the other end of the line was sending shivers down my spine. Nothing stopped her from hurting Olivia or taking her away. Claire was shot by Amelia and that sound echoed through my head over and over again.

"Amelia I swear if you hurt her I am going to hunt you down. You will wish you never got in my way" It was all I could do as I was raging.

"I'm fine. I am okay, I was the one who hurt her but if she gets up I can't fight her. I am leaving the scene"

The moment we heard her voice warranted everyone a sign of relief. Her mom took her hand to her chest and prayed silently as she was now crying happy tears. I cried from the desperation of not having stopped this shitshow from happening. My mind dissociated when I heard that she had Olivia with her. 

I breathe calmly so I could calm myself down. Lorenzo and Arthur hugged their mother, Victoria and Tom hugged ours, my nephews slept in their room and Charles was by my side. Minutes went by and we were first notified that they were coming here in my car. Claire didn't want to stay there which was comprehensible. 

Then they get there and an ambulance is called, she had stabbed Amelia in her shoulder, and they didn't know if she would make it. Pulse was weak and a lot of blood was lost. More minutes go by and they are not here, everyone was just waiting for them to show up.

"Just give her a little time, she will arrive at any moment now" Victoria says and now everyone was way more composed, minus Pascale. She is still shaken up by the thought of her daughter almost being killed and I don't blame her.

"It's taking too long. I am going to have a fucking heart attack if I have to wn          ait for one more second for-" I stop in my tracks as I open the door and I see Claire with Olivia in her arms. I picked Olivia up and made sure to see if they both were uninjured.

"I'm so sorry" Claire says as she hugs me and Olivia wraps her arms around my neck.

"No. I am way sorry that this even happened. I swear to god that if she survives this I will make sure she never gets out of jail. I love you so much!" I say as I stroke her hair.

We enter the living room and everyone just seemed relieved.

"Grandma!" Olivia ran to my mom and sister happily.

"I'm glad you are okay. Your brother called a doctor so he can check up on both of you" Pascale says a few minutes after once everyone was settled in. Olivia was in my lap and Claire was by my side.

"I need water" Claire says preparing to get up but Arthur jolts to the kitchen faster than she could even get up. He brings her and Olivia a bottle of water each and some cookies. "Thank you" She says clearly appreciative and he smiles.

"Anything for you sis" 

The next few hours were hell. They took her testimony and halfway we learned that she has barely survived the stabbing, it looked bad but she would survive it. She is not conscious yet and we were advised to call a lawyer because laws here work differently, she might be accused of attempted murder and I sure hope that is not the case. 

The doctor we called also said she looked fine besides the little bruise on her face but it was very light and clearly it wasn't that strong hopefully. The baby seemed completely fine and as energetic as ever.

She was obviously tired and she decided to take a submersion bath with Olivia, everyone went to bed after they all hugged her and I comforted everyone saying I would look out for her.  I entered the bathroom a few moments later and I saw them as they played with the bubbles on the huge bath with hydromassage on. They were having fun.

"Can I get you something? Maybe some ice cream, something sweet?" I ask with a smile and Claire nods.

"I will have some ice cream and I think she will have some gums too. Could you bring her pajama here? The pink one that matches mine?" She asks happily and I nod.

"Of course, I will come in a bit loves" 

I did as was asked. I gave them what they asked and laid out Olivia's pajama next to Claire's and watched them as they had fun.

"We will meet you in bed, dad" Olivia kindly sends me away and I nod.

"I love you both" I say as I felt tears in my eyes and they smile.

"We love you too" It came out of their mouths simultaneously and I smile.

I enter the bedroom and I finally feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders. They are fine, they are home, no one got injured. Reality finally hit me as I let myself cry, I don't know if it was from feeling overwhelmed but I couldn't contain it. I almost lost them and I was sitting on that fucking couch completely powerless, I was useless. 

I looked at the view and I only felt relieved I could be with them for the next months because never would I feel okay leaving her alone in Monaco or in our new house in the Netherlands while this craziness is unfolding. 

They got out and I took a quick 5-minute shower before coming out and seeing them cuddling each other while they waited for me. I joined them and Olivia hugged me too. 

"Thank you for being in our life Claire" She says as she looks at Claire while in my lap.

"Thank you for being the best daughter ever, I wouldn't trade you for anything" Claire says emotionally and kisses her forehead.

This is something I could never afford to lose so I'm glad I didn't.

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now