𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 15

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♫ You helped me fight when I was giving in
And you made me laugh when I was losing it ♫

Claire Leclerc Pov

Dinner was ready when they entered the house. Sophie was already complaining as soon as Max opened up the door and Olivia was patiently waiting with me.

"I can't believe you left her at home, I thought she was in the car, you are crazy" Sophie says slapping his arm and Olivia runs in her direction.

"Grandma" She says opening up her arms and Sophie kneels to hug her, I just watch since the kitchen and living room are open.

"Hello there my wonderful girl. Your hair is gorgeous today, and look at this beautiful dress" She says happily.

"This is the one I bought with Claire so we could match, she is wearing it too" She says excitedly and points at me. I wave at them as soon as they look at me and they quickly look at Max who just laughed.

"I would never leave this little demon alone at home, I would have to be dead for that to happen. Claire has been here with us" He says casually coming in my direction and everyone followed him to greet him.

"She has been here? Since when? For the last week?" Victoria asks clearly interested.

"She came with us on the plane, she is the bestest" An excited Olivia says clearly delighted.

"You are gorgeous Claire, I missed you" Victoria says happily and I look at the little baby in her arms and the older one in Tom's arms.

"You are the lucky one uh? Good choice" I say greeting Tom who looked pleased to meet me. "They are the cutest, why does he look so much like Max? Genetics are crazy" I say completely impressed and she smiles.

"He is! I will put them on their portable cribs, we will be back quickly" She says leaving with Tom. I notice Max was busy with Olivia that showed him the new hairstyle I made her, she loved anything you gave her. She is so simple and lovely, he protected her well from bad people.

"Thank you, for everything you are doing for them, Olivia really adores you" Sophie says gratefully and holds my hand.

"There is no need for that. I do that because I want to. She is a great girl. Max has done a good job, and so did you all. And I will be here for as long as they want me to, especially her" I say honestly and she smiles with tears in her eyes.

"I always knew you were special. He always talked about how nice you were, he hasn't let anyone in since Olivia was born, he put walls above both of them, it's his way of protecting her" She says clearly worried for Max.

"Max is a good man, he is doing the best he can and I won't take no credit for that, she is a wonderful girl who ended up loving her amazing neighbor" I say cockily making us both laugh.

"So does her father clearly" Victoria says when she get's to our side and I laugh.

"Her father wither loves me or hates me, it's not set in stone that. We are hot and cold, always were" I say shrugging and we head to the table where I uncovered the delicious food that I decided to make.

Everyone ate happily and I updated everyone on my life choices and briefly opened up on all the opportunities I had on the paddock, Max seemed focused on that. Olivia's bedtime arrived and Max got up to tuck her in. She kissed everyone goodnight and stopped in front of me.

"Can you come too?" She asks with her eyes shining and I smile.

"Of course my liefje" I say standing up and she puts her hand in mine before we walked to her room.

We tucked her in and Max even read her a bedtime story but she was fast asleep in less than 5 minutes. We left quietly and left the door almost closed so she could leave if she wanted to but not all the noise got in.

"Thank you, for this" He says quietly and I nod.

"No worries. You should stop thanking me for everything, I do it because I want to. It's not that deep" I say calmly and he smiles nodding.

"It's not that deep for you, it is for all of us, especially her" He mutters before speeding off.

We had fun talking about the old times, all the things we did when we were kids, and everything came up for the next 2 hours. It was good. Victoria left first when the babies started crying, Tom followed, and then Sophie.

"Can we talk?" I ask followed Max outside, he was sitting on one of the sun loungers that I have used, they are comfortable and I like getting tanned.

"Sorry about that earlier, I understand it's no big deal" He says without looking at me because he was avoiding my gaze as he did the whole night.

"I'm not going to break her heart, you know? I could never do that. You know that I'm not that type of person. I lost my dad too, I know I was a teenager but I would never enter a child's life to just get up and leave" I was pouring my heart out, I don't talk about my dad's death, I shouldn't be saying these things but I mean it. Max's eyes were on me as soon as I opened my mouth.

"I forgot about that, I mean to accuse of anything. You have no obligation to her, the one who did leave. I have to protect and I know I can't protect from anyone. I know I can't understand as you do. Apparently, nobody can, you are her role model and I'm obviously scared of what will happen when you leave because everyone clearly does" He says and I feel the hurt in his eyes, this is his fear. Hurting her. And himself.

"I won't leave. I know I can't promise forever but I am the neighbor, I will probably be working on one of the teams and if you let me I will always be by her side as long as you both want me to. But it's too late to think about that, we bonded and I adore that little girl too" I say confidently, I know I mean every word I said and I know I always keep my word.

"I am going to kiss you" He says leaning in but before he has the chance to regret it I put my hand on his hair and pull him closer.

It felt good, I admit I was holding it in all week, I don't normally like to be the one to start first, and I did the last time. But this time, oh, it felt good. There was no holding back and there was definitely desire there.

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