𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 46

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?♪ And when my body changes shapes
He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today" ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

Max's birthday arrived by the end of the month and we were in Singapore since his birthday collided with the days of the Singapore Grand Prix. I was with Olivia in the motorhome as we watched the second practice, it was going worse than the first but Ferrari is doing great, which is surprising.

"Mom" Olivia says in a sad tone.

"Yes baby? What happened?" I ask worriedly turning to look at her.

"Are you happy to be pregnant?" She asks with some doubt in her voice and I nod.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Do you want to share your thoughts with me? I won't take it badly" I say calmly as I put her hair behind her ear so I could see her clearly.

"That baby is growing in your belly but I didn't grow up in your belly. Will you love my brother more than you love me?" Her eyes showed so much concern that it made my eyes teary.

"No! No. You are my first child and your baby brother will be our second child. I will love you as much as I love him. Look at you! You are my daughter even if you didn't come from my belly. I love you unconditionally" I say signaling for her to come to my lap and she carefully does so.

"I know you love me but I am just scared that now that you have your own kid I will be left aside. Will you be my mom forever?" She asks holding tightly to my neck as she hugs me.

"I will be your mom as long as you want me to. I promised I would never leave you, I won't do that. You are my daughter, Olivia and you will always be my baby in my heart" I say as I start to cry.

This poor child has been abandoned by her mother, I get that she is scared and nervous. She deserves better, no kid deserves to think they are replaceable or difficult to love. This just breaks my heart.

"I am very happy to be a big sister. I love you Claire" She says resting her hand on my belly which was a bit bigger.

"I love you too. I will make sure that you know that. You can talk to us if those thoughts ever come back, we won't judge you for it" I say kissing her cheek.

When I look at the television the practice was already over so I went to eat something with Olivia until Max arrived. He smiled and kissed her forehead before kissing my cheek and caressing my belly.

"How are my ladies doing?" He asks happily and I smile.

"We are doing pretty good" I say as Olivia runs to Sergio to annoy him. She likes to annoy him and Christian.

"I don't really think those sunglasses are a good fit for you" She says as she reaches Sergio and I laugh as I watch him take his sunglasses off.

"She really has no mercy" Max laughs as he sees the scene unfolding.

"We need to talk" I knew I sounded serious because I was, his smile dropped and he went pale.

"I hate that phrase. Did something happen?" He asks worriedly.

"Olivia. To make it short, she thinks I will love this baby more because he is mine. We need to make sure that she never has a reason to think that" I watch as he gets sad, it was clear he was fearing this.

"I know. I was scared that would happen. I will never allow her to feel any less than her brother just because you didn't give birth to her" He says confidently and I smile.

"I researched it. I know she was born in The Netherlands so I wanted to see how I could legally adopt her. It's easier since Amelia gave up her rights and signed everything. But I need to be living with you for 3 years and to care for her for one year. It's called partner adoption" I saw how he looked at me with curiosity and happiness.

"I- I never thought you were thinking of adopting her" His voice has a hint of surprise and I shrug.

"I love her, I consider her my daughter and I care for her. I think this is something to think about. Even if I have to wait 3 years, I will gladly wait so I can legally be her mother" It was only natural that I would legally adopt her someday.

"I love you so much" He says before pulling me in for a kiss.

"Let's make sure she never has to doubt her worth and that she knows she is loved as much as her brother" I say decisively and Max nods.

"Both of them will be loved to the moon and back. And so will you" He says happily and Olivia runs in our direction as Sergio followed her.

"Claire, do you really think my sunglasses look bad?" Sergio was clearly worried that he looked on them and I laughed.

"I mean, I don't like that on your face but you've never asked my opinion so I never gave it. Do you need a new pair? I can buy you a new pair that would look better" I say honestly and he nods.

"Well, I would very much appreciate it. And just tell me when something looks bad" He says putting his sunglasses in the nearby trash and leaving. I could only laugh.

"Don't be like that with him" Max says looking at Olivia who giggled.

"He knows I am not serious most of the time" She says holding his hand.

"Let's go. We have a dinner to get to" Max says picking her up and going into the room with her.

We have a dinner with both families for his birthday and then we will go to his birthday party. Our moms would gladly take care of the kids and we could all have fun, I can't drink but I can have a good time while my stomach still doesn't cause me back pain.

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