𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 31

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♬ I'm so aware
But I still don't care
You already fucked me up ♬

Claire Leclerc POV

Olivia getting inside the Leclerc family was something fast. We had the day at the mall and we bought a lot of stuff, Max really gave me his card. I thought about testing his limits but he had none from what I can tell you. At least Olivia has a new wardrobe. Our routine was more of the same. She came to my apartment while Max was training, on the sim, or working. Whatever one is fine.

We went out a few times, we visited a few places, and I got Max out of the house but I also got us deeper into rumors. People were respectful and only photographed us and never Olivia, she was always cut out or blurred, which I appreciate. I don't care about what they say about us. I am now arriving at the circuit in Barcelona because the weekend starts today and I already went around the city yesterday with Max and Olivia after his press duties.

"It's my time to leave you. I will see you probably from Max's garage" I say kissing Charles's cheek.

"Traitor. Always in the rival's garage" He jokes and I laugh.

"I will watch from yours one of these days. I will try to get Max even more mad than when she was in the Ferrari merch" I say happily and he laughs.

"He likes anything you do. You can't get him mad" He says kissing my cheek and I go to the motorhome.

I was going to head inside when a security guard stops me. Who the fuck is he? I never saw him here and he as never saw me clearly.

"Can you not grab my arm?" I ask a bit angry at the strength used in holding my arm.

"You are not allowed here. You are clearly not a RedBull's employer" He says letting go of my arm and I point at the paddock Pass, both Ferrari's and Red Bull's cards were there.

"That allows you to enter the hospitality. The security on the motorhome is more strict after a security breach, I am sorry" He says pointing me in the opposite direction.

"No shit Sherlock. I was the one who prevented the fucking disaster. Let me see my daughter. Now." My patience is now running low and I don't want to be an entitled bitch but Olivia is waiting for me inside.

"I need a written authorisation to let you in" He insists and I nod.

"My name is one of the few authorized to take Olivia Verstappen out of the motorhome. Shouldn't that be enough?" I ask impatiently and looking inside but he was huge, I couldn't even see if she was downstairs.

"Only family members are now allowed. Her granddad took other names out of the list" He says and I am now fuming. Jos is here, of course.

"I will come back with Max if that's what you need to do your job diligently. Someone should've told you that Max is the one in charge, not Jos" I say before heading out to Red Bull's garage.

"Everything's okay?" Sergio asks as I enter the garage and I shake my head.

"Where is Max?" I ask looking around.

"With Christian and Jos in the back" He says and I nod heading there.

"We are busy-" Christian starts saying but once he turns around he just gets quiet.

"Hello" I try to sound nice but I guess it came off a bit aggressive or my face shows how furious I am.

"Something's wrong?" Max asks coming in my direction worriedly.

"A new security guard is at the entrance of the motorhome telling me that I can't get in and that Jos had my name taken out of the list of people who can get Olivia out of there" I say taking a step to my right so I could face Jos.

"I thought it was some kind of mistake that your name was there. Are you two really a thing ?" He asks with a stupid smirk on his face. I would wipe it out in a second if I could.

"That is none of your business" The assertiveness in my tone was enough to make his smirk disappear, he has no control over me. He can fuck off for all I care about.

"Don't mess with the things about Olivia. Only me, Mom, Victoria, or Claire can be with her outside of the motorhome. No discussion is needed on that. I am going with you there to get you in and to work that shit out" Max says also aggressively and I smile before leaving with him.

"Sir" The security guards says nervously and I give him the fakest smile I could.

"She is my girlfriend, she can get in. Pass the message. The only people who control who picks Olivia up is me or her. Nobody else, not even my family" He firmly says and the guy nods.

"I am really sorry" He says while he took a step to the side but is interrupted.

"Mom!" Olivia says running in my direction and I smile picking her up.

"Hey baby!" I say as excited as she is.

"Did you understand?" Max asks looking at him and the guy nods.

"Yes, I will pass the message, I didn't know" He says as Max turned his back to look at us as I put Olivia down.

"Just go into my room and wear my number and name, will you?" He says looking me in the eyes and I think my legs almost shook. What is this?

"I could do that. Why?" I say confusedly and he smiles.

"Because I would like to see you wearing the Verstappen name before I give it to you permanently" He says before kissing me.

I was astonished, I didn't even have an answer to that and I always have an answer ready. He left and Olivia looked up at me confused.

"Could you go from Claire Leclerc to Claire Verstappen? Do names change?" She asks confusedly.

"They can change when you marry someone, you can take their name, a lot of people do it but some don't" I explain and she nodded.

"I would like for you to marry Dad. Is that why he kissed you? Are you together?" She asks widening her smile and I shrug.

"We are friends" I answer and she giggles.

"Friends don't kiss on the mouth. That is not hygienic" She says before heading back inside and I laugh. She is too smart.

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