𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 36

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♪ I wanna come home to roses
And dirty little notes on Post-its ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I considered myself rejected by Claire. I told her I love her, she said nothing back so that is enough answer for me. Why would she give me all these signs? Am I imagining stuff? Why would she agree to have sex if she felt nothing? I feel like an idiot. And I fell asleep feeling pretty fulfilled that I made her come and also stupid to be all out in the open to be rejected.

"Dad! Can I call Claire so we can use the same clothes today?" I hear Olivia asking as the door that joined our bedrooms opened up.

"Hello baby" I say sitting up while trying to adjust to the light of the room because I was sleeping pretty well until now.

"Is that Claire?" She asks astonished when Claire started waking up.

"Good morning sunshine" Claire says with a slightly sleepy voice and pulling her arms out of the covers to hug Olivia who quickly ran to her arms and climbed the bed.

"Did you sleep with Dad? Friends don't do that" She says sitting between the two of us.

"I did. Is that something you don't like?" Claire asks while looking at me. I sit on the bed and find my boxers on the floor, covering myself before Olivia looked.

"I like it. I don't want you to be just friends. You need to be a couple. Like Sergio and Carola" She says happily.

"We will discuss it after the race today" Claire says kissing her cheek and I throw her my shirt.

"Mom and Dad need to take a bath. Can you give us a few minutes my love?" I ask straightening my daughter's messy hair and she nods enthusiastically.

"I will wait for Mom" She says sitting in the bed.

Claire put on the shirt and turned on the television for Olivia. She kissed her forehead and followed me to the shower.

"Is everything alright?" I ask while I waited for the water to get hot.

"I'm fine, and you? Last night was great" She says while on the toilet and I nod.

"It was good, the chemistry was there"

And this is awkward. We took a quick shower and got out. Olivia showed what she wanted to wear and Claire nodded. She got Olivia on her clothes and they left for Claire's room so she could get changed. I met with them an hour later when it was time to leave. They ordered room service and I had a quick breakfast while overthinking what happened last night.

When we arrived at the paddock everything went as normal. I had media duties and Olivia was following Claire around, we had lunch together and they disappeared once again. People are talking and I am not denying or confirming anything.

"Look who is here! Claire Leclerc and Olivia Verstappen!" The interviewer says delighted but both Claire and Olivia had this deadpan face while facing the brunette woman who almost yelled in the middle of the interview.

"Heyy" Claire says a bit put off and comes closer to me.

"So, you are the sister of Charles Leclerc and the girlfriend of Max Verstappen. How does it feel to see them fighting for the championship?" She asks and Claire just laughs.

"Yeah, I am not doing that. I will celebrate with whoever wins. Whether it's Charles or Max. It's a competition inside the sport but the rivalry stays there" Claire says as Olivia held her hand and smiled.

"That is great to hear. And how do you feel about Olivia? Do you get along as great as you seem to?"

"She is my mom. I love her" Olivia says innocently and Claire looks at her with a proud smile.

"I love her as my daughter. There is nothing fake about our interactions. Could I have a minute with Max?" Claire says touching my arm and they turn off the camera.

"I'm sorry if I offended you" The interviewer says nervously.

"No problem. I don't think personal things should be broadcasted while he is on the job. Maybe it would be better not to post that bit" Claire says as we left.

"Thanks for that, they took way too long to let me go" I say letting out a laugh.

"Olivia is going to take a nap. I will probably watch the race from the motorhome to make sure she is safe" She says looking at a clearly tired Olivia who was sitting on a bench.

"Just be careful. Tell a team member if something happens. Do you have Christian's number?" I ask worriedly and she nods.

"What counts as something happening? Having your daughter almost kidnapped or me being hit on by your father? I think they can join each other and make a plan to break us up" She jokes and I laugh getting closer.

"Are we together? That is needed for a break up" I say putting my hand on her cheek and she kept our eye contact with a cheeky smile.

"I will see it after the race" She says kissing my lips quickly and I smile widely.

"That's good enough for me" I say as I watched her leave with my daughter in her arms, which isn't lightweight.

"Love you Dad. You will win today" Olivia says while waving me off.

"Love you baby" I wave back at the little one as she rests her head on Claire's shoulder.

A few hours later I was winning the race. Charles didn't finish, which sucks but I did and I won. I was completely expecting Claire to be in my room but I got shocked when I saw her waiting for me in the first row with a thrilled Olivia in Christian's arms.

"You won Dad!" Olivia says throwing herself at me and I smile.

"I did baby" I say kissing her forehead before Christian picked her up once again.

I looked at Claire and she took her hat off which made me smile. I got closer so I could hug her but she instead kissed me. She kissed me in front of everyone and I kissed her back. It felt like everything around went silent and those scenes in movies seemed very realistic to me.

"I love you Max" She says when the kiss ended and I felt a huge relief at that moment.

She felt the same! I was just on autopilot through the interviews, the podium, and even while I talked to the guys in the cooldown room. I basically ran to my room to find her there scrolling on her phone while Olivia was painting something with Sergio's kids.

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