𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 53

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♫ You're in the kitchen humming
All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing ♫

Claire Leclerc POV

That night was tough, I barely could close my eyes before seeing her body on the floor and the blood around it. Olivia was always waking up and Max was clearly barely sleeping too. The next morning our moms had breakfast done as we arrived at the kitchen, everyone has clearly spent the night awake. We all looked like shit.

I am worried that I might've killed her but I am even more worried about her surviving it and coming after me once again. We were preparing to eat when there was a knock on our door. Max goes to open it and comes back with the police officer who was leading the investigation. Am I going to jail for killing her? Is she dead or alive? Nothing was known yesterday.

"I came to announce that Claire has been liberated from any possible accusations" He says and everyone seems relieved.

"That means that she survived and decided not to press charges?" Charles asks before any of us had a chance.

"No. She survived it barely but she woke up in the middle of the night and killed herself. She meant to kill you and then kill herself, she never intended to go to jail, neither did she intend to let you walk out alive no matter what choice you made" He was looking at me and I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Thank you" I say frankly and he nods giving me a smile.

"You are welcome. I am sorry for all that happened but I am also glad with the outcome" He says obviously trying to be apologetic.

"It's no one's fault. Thank you for telling us" I say as I gave him a smile. Max walked him out and Olivia was looking at me.

"We are safe mom" She says excitedly and I nod.

"We are safe baby" I say as I pull her in for a hug.

Everyone was relieved and I think we almost ran home. We had finished the buy on a house in the Netherlands recently so we traveled there. We wanted to be more isolated and Monaco was a place people would find us very easily. My family stayed with us and Max's family stayed in their respective houses which were close, another reason why we bought this house. We would stay here until the first week of January.

We scheduled a therapy session for Olivia, I could deal with this but she needed to be able to vent and to have someone help her deal with this because it's something traumatic. The doctor was very well recommended, she is in Monaco so we caught a flight to Monaco a week later for my doctor's appointment and Max took her to her therapist. 

It would work well because when we aren't in Monaco she has agreed to do sessions through videocall. She decided that the sessions will happen once a week for now, if more are needed she will have more. 

"Mom" Olivia says as we boarded the flight to go back to our families, it's a fast flight and we really don't want to be caught by the paparazzi.

"Yes?" I ask as I see her sitting by my side.

"The therapist is really nice, I like her" She says excitedly.

"Really? And did she make you feel better?" I ask curiously.

"Yes. She told me to not feel bad for what happened. She also said I need to stop sleeping in your bed. I can have the room's light on but I should sleep alone. She asked me to draw what happens in my nightmares so I could show her" She explains excitedly as I listened carefully and so did Max.

"It sounds like a good idea. And what do we do if you have nightmares?" I ask fearfully.

"You have to help me fall asleep in my bed. She called it independence" She says proudly and I laugh.

"We will help you then, thank you for telling me" I say as I kiss her forehead.

"Are you okay mom? Is the baby okay?" She asks curiously and I nod.

"He is very good. Ready to be born in 3 months. Are you ready to be a big sister in February?" I ask excitedly and she jumps in excitement.

"I will be the best sister!" She says happily and Max laughs.

She went on to watch something on Youtube for the duration of the flight and I leaned my head on Max's shoulder. We are normal, the subject has been avoided, I don't think there's much to say about it. We had dinner on the way home so once we arrived we greeted everyone and gave Olivia a bath, she ended up falling asleep. 

Max and I hopped into the shower and he helped me clean my back and legs since it was easier for him to do it. He has been a good support. I dried my hair and joined him in bed.

"How are you doing? It's been a week. Do you want to talk about it?" He asks nervously.

"I am doing fine. Is there anything to talk about? I think it's a solved issue" I say confused.

"You were kidnapped, you were almost killed and you had to attack someone to defend yourself while pregnant. This has to be talked about love" He says worriedly.

"She died, there is no chance this would ever happen again" I say calmly and he shakes his head.

"I wanted to thank you. For choosing to save Olivia, for taking her out of the room so she wouldn't see whatever your plan was. You never gave me the chance to thank you for being such a good mom. You saved my daughter, yourself, and our unborn child. You need to acknowledge that this is something way bigger than you surviving that crazy psychopath" He says as he holds my hand and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you Max. I know what I did, I know you are grateful but I also know that you would've done the same if you were there. I did what I had to do, I don't need you to thank me for saving my daughter." I say before I kiss him.

His smile, once we paused to take a breath, showed me that he was glad to talk this out. It isn't that complicated though. I don't regret it, I am not longer having nightmares, I am glad she is dead and I am not going to feel guilty for wanting my family to be safe.

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