𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18

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♫ And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you ♫

Max Verstappen POV

Claire is probably the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, and she is very helpful. She has taught me a million things since she came back into my life. Day after day I was surprised at how good she got along with Olivia, she never got mad, and she never lost her temper even when Olivia is being impossible but it doesn't happen as much as it used to. 

Tomorrow is her birthday and everyone is quietly decorating the house for her party, so she can see it when she wakes up. When we finally end the decoration we sit outside with the baby monitors by our side. I watch Olivia and my sister watched her little ones. Claire came and sat by my side.

"This party is way better than the last ones" My mom says excitedly and I nod happily.

"I am glad it is. I think Claire knows what she wants. All I ever heard was that she wanted mermaids" I say laughing.

"Don't give me the whole credit, you paid for it" She says and everyone laughs.

"We should get some rest, you have a race tomorrow and we have a party to throw" Vic says and I nod.

"I'm going up now. Thank you for being here, that means a lot" I say getting up.

"She is family, you are family. Of course, we would be here, we will be here every step of the way" My mom says and I hug her tightly.

"Well, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for the support you've all given me. And Claire" I say looking at them and turning to her who looked up at me confusedly. "Thank you for being so good to her, she deserves to know there are good people who will love her unconditionally and I think she found that in you"

"Oh. Jesus. I wasn't expecting that coming from you, that means a lot, Max. And I do love your little girl with no conditions attached. And I will be around for as long as you let me" She says smiling.

"I will be seeing you around for a long time then. As long as she is happy, you are welcome" I say honestly and she gets up and hugs me.

"You are a good dad Max. She couldn't have asked for better, believe me" She whispers before the hug ended. 

"Let's get some rest, tomorrow is a busy day" Tom says and everyone does so.

I woke up the next day and went to Olivia's room but she wasn't there, I walked to where Claire has been sleeping and there they were. Olivia had a beautiful dress on and Claire had the same one, I guess Olivia loves to be matching with her.

"I would change dresses, it's your day, we can match in any other day" Claire says kneeling down next to her.

"But I want to match with you, that makes me feel special and beautiful" Olivia says cutely and pouting.

"Why is that?" Claire asks curiously and I was curious too now.

"Because I don't have a mom but I have a Claire. And you are very beautiful and you dress very well and I want to look like you and I want to be like you when I am big" She says putting her hand on Claire's face who was surprised.

"Is it good having a Claire? Am I good to you?" Claire asks giving her a smile but I could tell her voice was shaking, what was going through her head. Maybe it's starting to be too much, she is realizing what being with me means, we are a package deal. 

"You are the best! You make me the happiest ever. You sing for me and you dance with me. You make daddy happy and you make me happy. You are the mom I wish I had but I know you are not my mom. I'm sorry if I said too much" Olivia was excited but it died away as she stopped talking.

"No. No. It's fine, I love you Liv, you don't need to be sorry about anything my love. You are such a pure girl and I want you to be happy with me around. We can match today and any day you want. And I made you breakfast so let's go eat" She says softly before hugging my daughter who happily hugged her back.

"Don't leave okay?" Olivia asks her and she nods.

"I won't" She says preparing to leave the room and I run to my room because they would know I was listening to them. I pretended to be leaving my room and Olivia ran to my arms.

"Daddy! Look at how pretty we are" She says excitedly.

"You are the most gorgeous kid on the planet. Happy birthday, baby girl" I say hugging her.

"Doesn't Claire look pretty too?" She asks expectantly.

"Claire looks gorgeous in that dress too. You are both breathtaking" I say kissing her cheek and Claire smiles.

"We should go eat breakfast before it gets cold" Claire says and I followed her to the kitchen. 

Olivia was out of her mind as soon as she saw the whole floor was decorated. We watched as she looked at every detail and then she finally came to sit with us so we could eat. The family showed up while she was looking around. They noticed the matching dresses and told them how beautiful they were. My daughter was all smiles and giggles and I love it.

I had to leave for the race but I knew I would be back before I knew it. The team gave me a few gifts for Olivia, Charles told me he would be there later which I can't even complain about because I have his sister in my house. The guys who couldn't come to the party gave me a few gifts which I appreciate. 

The race could've gone better if I hadn't had a fuel problem that caused a fire in my car. I did my interviews and all that I was obligated to do and left to be with my family. I got home and my daughter had her face painted, she was so happy that I didn't even care about the race anymore. She is all that matters.

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