𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 29

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♬ Even though that it hurts me, baby
I'm in love with the way you hate me ♬

Claire Leclerc POV

Being called a mom was intense, I know I told her the concept of the name but I didn't expect her to consider me her mom so soon. I spent the next day cleaning around my apartment when I hear a knock on my door by dinner time. I thought it could be Liv until I opened it and saw my mom, I hugged her and made space for her to get in.

"What is that?" I ask looking at the bags of food she had with her.

"Food, for us to eat. You will get too skinny if you don't eat. Take care of the table. Your brothers will be bringing the drinks in a few minutes" She says putting the bags on my kitchen aisle and turning to leave.

"And what are you doing?" I ask confusedly.

"I am going to get Max and my beautiful Olivia" She says nonchalantly. I let the mop in my hand fall so I could run after her.

"Don't you dare" I say reaching her close to my front door.

"You might want to get changed, you don't want your brothers to see you with such short things. Go on, you won't prevent me from seeing Max after such a long time. And I have heard too much about Olivia not to meet her personally" She was decisive in her decision so there was obviously nothing I could do to prevent it.

I put the mop in its place, ran to my room, and changed into leggings and a crop top. I put my hair in a high ponytail and went to the kitchen room so I could take care of the table. My mom entered the open space kitchen/dining and living room and starts helping me.

"Did he say no? She must have eaten already. It's 8 PM" I say trying to prevent the events that could come out of this. My mom would love Olivia and she would see Olivia calling me mom. She would also make a big scene about me and Max dating, trust me. She wants it.

"He is coming, he is changing too. He wants to look presentable" She says calmly and we end the table as my brothers come in.

"Oh, it's only you" Charles says after looking around and his disappointment ended with me throwing one of the pillows of my sofa to his face.

"Your rival bestie is coming, don't worry. He will maxplain to you all you need to know" I say making faces as I talked.

"Don't be jealous. You are not the only Leclerc who can have fun with Max" Charles says before I give him a deadpan expression with a threatening look. The pillow was way too nice.

"Claire!" I hear Olivia's voice call as she entered the space with a beautiful dress and her hair flowing.

"Hello, baby. That hair is so gorgeous, it's even glowing. Look at this" I say running my hand through her hair as I hugged her.

"Dad bought the products you recommended him to. It is very shining and it smells so good" She says enthusiastically. Max had some shorts on and a buttoned shirt with funny drawings, Olivia picked it. He would bring a Red Bull shirt if it was up to him.

"Thank you for inviting us, Pascale. You look as young as ever" Max says giving her a smile, he seemed relaxed but the fact he had his hands in his pockets showed me he was nervous.

"There is no need for that, you are always welcome to our family dinners" Mom says happily and I smile.

"We didn't know what Olivia would prefer so we bought some juices from the store" Lorenzo says pointing to the bag that clearly had juice boxes on it. The others have wine and beer, predictable.

"Can I have the usual?" Olivia asks pointing at the fridge and I nod.

"Of course, you can go get it" I say winking at her and she runs to the kitchen.

"The usual, uh?" Arthur asks teasingly and I tease him with a threatening look so he quickly turns around and goes to help Mom as she put the drinks on the table.

"Can you relax? She doesn't bite" I whisper getting closer to him and he takes his hands out of his pockets.

"She is still your mom"

"She is a sweetheart, she is way sweeter than me. Pretend like you are at home" I say calmly and we head to the table. Olivia sits to my right and Max sits next to her. My brothers are in front of us and my mom is the head of the table.

"Is that good?" Liv asks looking at my plate and I nod.

"It's very good. Try it" I say putting a small piece on her plate and she carefully cuts it.

"I like it!" She says enthusiastically after tasting it, she is pleased with anything really.

"Do you like Claire? Is she treating you well?" My mom asks sweetly looking at Olivia with a smile.

"Claire is the best! She always takes care of me and she is always looking out for me. She makes Dad very happy too, I like to see him happy" Olivia answers looking up at her dad when she mentioned him and Max nods.

"You raised a good daughter, but you know that better than anyone at this table" Max says looking at my mom who just smiled.

"She is an extraordinary person, she is a keeper. Keep that in mind, you have a very sweet kid yourself" She says smiling at Olivia who blushed.

The dinner ended and Liv and my mom got into a conversation for a long time while they sat on my couch. I was on the balcony with my brothers and Max. They sat down as I watched the amazing view there is from this last-floor apartment. I love it.

"It's one of the main reasons why I bought the apartment on the last floor" Max says standing by my side.

"We are on the same page on that" I say looking up at him and finding him already looking at me with a smile.

"What a cute couple" Charles teases and I turn to look at him as I show him my middle finger and roll my eyes. "Always nice" He mutters while taking a sip of his drink.

"You know me" I say shrugging before going inside and joining Mom and Olivia who were seeing my baby pictures. How did my mom get that photo album here?

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