𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24

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♬ But I hold you close
So how could I go
When you are my destination? ♬

Max Verstappen POV

I had arranged to meet with Amelia and discuss what happened yesterday with Olivia. She had no right to come close to her and even less to try to kidnap her. I ate breakfast with Olivia, left her in the motorhome with Sergio, and went to find Amelia at a park near the circuit.

"Look who it is. The champion" Her voice is filled with bitterness and sarcasm. Remind me again why I slept with her. Oh, wait. There is no reason for me to have done such a stupid decision.

I watched her closely, Claire really meant to do damage with that punch. The left side of her face was a mess, black eye with some blood in it, swollen cheek, and a broken lip. I expected it to be softer but whoever gets an addict unconscious from a punch must be good. It made me smile internally to know that Olivia wasn't the only one who got hurt, Claire avenged it.

"That must be eating you inside. You said I would never be anything if I kept Olivia, I guess things worked out in my favor" I say giving her the same attitude and seating in front of her.

"Where is the new girl? The one you are going to ditch once you get tired. Isn't that what rich men do? Like your dad, always searching for a new version. He has kids younger than Olivia" She says looking around and I roll my eyes.

"Amelia, go straight to the point. I have a lot to deal with and I can simply walk out" I say impatiently and she raises her hands in innocence, typical.

"I want my daughter, I knew you wouldn't let me see her so I got in myself" She says shrugging.

"She is not your daughter. Your name is out of the birth certificate, you are nobody. You gave her away as soon as she was born. You are not getting anywhere close to my daughter" I say crossing my arm defensively. There is no way this is happening.

"She needs a mother, you are not the most emotional person alive"

"She has a mother, she is fine. She has everything she might ever need. You are nobody to her and if you ever appear in front of her and if you dare to hurt her I will file for a restraining order" I threaten and she is starting to get mad. I can see her expression changing slowly.

"I will take you to court. I carried that little brat for 8 months. I will see her if I want to, she is mine. I won't let you spoil her and I won't let that little bitch call herself her mom. I won't let you do that" She starts raising her voice and I stand up. I am so glad there is nobody around.

"Go ahead. Tell your lawyers that you signed it while on drugs or maybe tell them you signed it in my lawyer's room with cameras filming you doing it willingly. Tell them about the failed rehabs, the arrests for prostitution, or maybe just tell them the truth. You want Olivia because you want my money. You want alimony. I gave you enough when you left her to me, I won't give you her life for you to screw up" I was being serious and she knew.

"Why would I screw her up? You are a screw-up, a rich kid who grew up to be even richer than the ones who raised him. Do you think you will be able to teach her anything? Maybe if she likes cars you will" She stands up and I laugh.

"I will spoil her. I will let her be shown what love is. She will have everything she will ever want and you won't have a choice in that. I am her dad and her mom is whoever she decides deserving of that title. And that is not you. Keep yourself away from me, Olivia, and my family and you will be fine. I will take you to court and to jail if I have to"

"Fuck off Max. You deserve every shitty thing that happened to you. Nobody will want that little girl and anybody who wants you will be after your money" She basically screams as I walked away. I got in the car and left for the circuit.

"Weren't you with Olivia?" I ask when I see Sergio talking to Alonso on the paddock. Now I am in high alert, I mean she couldn't be here quicker than me but it could be a set up.

"Yeah, but her favorite person arrived and I was easily replaced and almost kicked out of the motorhome" He says laughing.

"Claire is here already?" I ask and he nods. I go inside and I found them in my room. Claire was on the floor with her, Olivia was between her legs while she was braiding her hair slowly and carefully.

"I really like you. You are like the bestest person on the planet" Olivia says happily as she watched the tv.

"You are the best kid in the world. Anyone is lucky to have you, don't listen to what people say, they don't know you or your dad" She says calmly.

"Do you think I will ever have a mom? Will she love me as much as Dad?" She asks turning her hand slightly to look at Claire who smiled.

"You will have the best mom and she will love you as much as Max or even more" Claire says kissing her cheek.

"More? That is a lot" Olivia says impressed.

"Good morning" I say and they both look at me.

"Hey!" Claire says right before finishing the hair. "See if you like it" She says pointing at the mirror, I give her my hand to help her get up while Olivia appreciated the braids on the mirror.

"It's perfect! It always is! I love it!" Olivia says running to hug Claire's legs.

"I'm glad you like it. I will keep learning new hairstyles just for you" Claire says proudly.

"Let's eat something before I have to leave for the garage" I say and they nod following me.

"Was she here?" Claire asks when Olivia was distracted and I look at her surprised.

"Who?" I ask playing dumb because there is no way she could know.

"Amelia, her mom, was she here again?"

"Why would you ask that?" I ask confused.

"You smell like her, and I don't mean that in a good way. Avoiding to answer is a good answer in itself. Look out for Olivia, that's all I ask of you" She says before walking faster and going to sit by Olivia's side.

Oh, she thinks I did something with Amelia. This is bad.

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