𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 51

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♫ They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something ♫

Claire Leclerc POV

I struggled to get up but I did. When she punched me I stole her knife, it was pretty easy. I was raised with 3 brothers and I spent half of my life stealing their things, watching them fight and I put the stuff in the other's pockets. It was fun. I waited for the right moment. She asked me for my last words and I wiped my tears, gave her a smile, and threw the knife at her shoulder, which caused the gun to go off as she dropped it.

I was fine, she is screaming more and more as time goes by. My hearing was back to normal. I grabbed the gun, took the car keys from a nearby table, and picked the phone up as I walked to the door. Olivia was sobbing on the floor, I could hear her and it broke my heart. I open the door and look for her in the dark room. Where is my girl?

"Amelia I swear if you hurt her I am going to hunt you down. You will wish you never got in my way" Max threatens as his voice is filled with rage.

"I'm fine. I am okay, I was the one who hurt her but if she gets up I can't fight her. I am leaving the scene" I say on the phone and the sighs of relief told me they heard me.

"Mom?" Olivia asks appearing from one of the corners.

"I'm okay baby. I am okay, let's run now. Okay?" I ask and she nods.

"I love you mom" She says as she hugs me. I pick her up not caring about anything else. The call disconnected and I didn't make an effort to care for it.

I run to Max's car and drive off as quickly as I could, she was buckled up and it was kind of dessert so it was fine. Only 15 minutes later did I finally find police cars, I stopped and so did one of the other cars, I opened the window and he ran to my window.

"Can you guide us?" The captain asks and I nod giving him the phone.

"I saved the location before getting out. I'm not coming back there. I need my family, I don't know if she is alive, I stabbed her in the shoulder"

"Don't worry about it. We will meet you there later. Stay safe" He says before running off with the phone.

"I was so scared" Olivia whispers as the silence was reigning in the car ride.

"I will always protect you liefje"

"Are you okay mom? Is the baby okay?" She asks scaredly and I nod.

"I am okay. Just shaken up like you. We are almost there" I say focusing on the road. When I got to the front of the building I didn't even care to go inside and park the car. I stopped the car and finally took a deep breath.

"Do you want me to go get dad?" She asks worriedly.

"I am okay. I am just glad that we are safe. Everything in me is shaking, give me a minute" I ask her as I turn to look at her.

Her face was swollen from how much she cried, her voice was kind of husky from screaming so much and I felt so broken to see her in this situation. She thought I had died. How scary is that for a child?

I thought I was going to die, nothing was guaranteed that I could throw the knife, I never knew I had good aim until now. It was a shitty plan that could've been a bust but I wasn't going down without a fight.

I see Olivia getting out of her seat and coming to the front and sitting on my lap as she caressed my cheek.

"You are the best mom ever" She whispers as her other hand caressed my belly and I felt the baby kicking which was a relief.

"You are the best daughter ever too my baby. But remember that you are as valuable to me as your brother, blood is nothing. Our connection is real and so is my love for you" I kiss her cheek as I said it and she nods.

"I just didn't want you and him to get hurt. Dad would've been sad forever" She says kissing my cheek and trying to comfort me.

"He would be sad forever, and so would I be if we lost you. Let's go before we cause someone a heart attack" I say positioning her in my arms so I could leave the car with her in my arms.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight? Do you think she will come back?" She asks me fearfully as I open the door to the building.

"I don't think she will come back. You can sleep with us for as long as you need to" I say as I call the elevator.

I am now wondering. Did I kill her? Did I honestly kill someone today? Should I be feeling this relieved? Am I a bad person to want her dead? I just want my family to be safe.

"Am I bad for wanting her to die instead of you?" She asks once we enter the elevator and I shake my head.

"You are not bad for wanting to be safe. We think a lot of stuff once we encounter danger. That's a survival instinct. We will be fine"

She was thinking the same as me. She never saw the state of Amelia and I barely saw it too. I just wanted to get out. I took a deep breath in front of the door to the penthouse as I prepared to face everyone. I heard their voices inside, they were comforting each other, but they seemed stressed.

I heard my mother crying, it made me remember when dad died. Olivia caressed my cheek and kissed it.

"We can wait a bit longer" She says giving me a smile.

"It's taking too long. I am going to have a fucking heart attack if I have to wait for one more second for-" Max's voice is heard and the door opens. He stares at both of us and takes Olivia from my arms as tears rolled down his face.

Oh gosh, I am so fucking relieved to see him.

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