𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 27

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♬ I'll take one final step
All you have to do is make me ♬

Claire Leclerc POV

Don't judge me. Why did I do that? I don't know. Max makes me do things to question myself. But it felt good to know I have some control over him, even if it's sexual. We got down and went to pick up Olivia, half an hour was exactly the time needed and I have to admit he lasted more than what I expected. He had spent the last hour in interviews and before that, he was racing for 2 hours. I thought 5 minutes would've been generous.

"Are you going to Monaco?" Max asks as we walked through the paddock and I shrug.

"Yeah, Spain is in two weeks so Monaco is very close" I say as I picked up my phone.

"We are going to. Can I visit you?" Olivia asks excitedly and I nod.

"You can always come to me darling" I say winking at her and she giggles while holding her dad's hand.

"You can come with us, your brothers too if they want to" He says after he buckled Liv in her seat.

"I think they have refundable tickets, I will text them" I say smiling at him.

"Can we have breakfast before leaving? There is a pretty good place near the hotel" He asked as he opened up the door for me and I nod.

"It's a plan" I say getting in and buckle up before he starts driving off.

I met my brothers at a restaurant close by for dinner. They wanted to have a dinner together so I said yes.

"Hello" I say excitedly as I sat besides Arthur and had Charles in front of me and Lorenzo by his side. They had gotten quiet as soon as I entered the restaurant.

"Hey there, a bit late uh?" Lorenzo says teasingly and I roll my eyes.

"Are you controlling my time now?" I ask not believing their attitude and he laughs.

"We just saw you clearly had someone to drive you here" Charles says while waving Max off.

"Of course, I didn't need to come alone if I could have company" I say shrugging. I make my order and they make theirs.

"Is it official? I mean, you saved his daughter from her lunatic mother" Lorenzo was curious, they all were, they wanted information.

"She is just an egg donor. She is not her mother, she has done nothing for Olivia, she only traumatized that little girl. She needs to be kept away" I say defensively.

"You are her mother already" Charles says and I give him a threatening look.

"Don't say that. I love that kid, she deserves the world. I am very attached to her but I am not her mother. She is the only one who can make that statement, I have no right to say those things neither do you" I reprimand him and he nods.

"I hope Max finally admits his feelings, he is very stubborn and you are way worse" Arthur says letting out a laugh.

"That is complicated but I think that we shouldn't rush it. He has a daughter to protect and I understand that. He needs to keep his guard up, and that is fine by me" I am honest when I say it but I also wish Amelia hadn't left him with such trust issues because that girl is my whole world right now.

"Having Olivia made me realize you would be such a great mother. I had no doubt before that but seeing you two just melts my heart" Charles says happily and I smile.

"She is way too cute. If she wants something and I can make it happen then it will happen" I say happily.

"Max asked if you are coming to Monaco tomorrow, he will give us a ride if you are. I always canceled my ticket" I say and they sound pleased.

"A flight with no stop? I'm in" Arthur says picking up his phone and the others do the same and I laugh.

The dinner was good, we celebrated Charles' victory and I got a little drunk, we all did. We video-called Mom who was happy to see us even if she speaks to us almost every day. We talked for like half an hour with her outside the hotel before hanging up because Arthur's battery was dying. We said our goodbyes and it died right after. I went to my room and took a good shower. As soon as I lay on my bed I am relaxed and fall asleep quickly.

The next day I am completely revigorated as I hear a knock on my door. I open it and there was Max with his casual style, jeans and a shirt with his cat's face on it. Love it.

"Good morning. You look beautiful" Olivia says excitedly and I pick her up for a hug.

"I will take your bag, take her please" He says and I nod.

I check out at the reception while Max puts our things in his rental car. We went to have breakfast and I had Olivia and Max in front of me as we watched the view, it was a great view.

"Look who is playing happy family" I hear behind us as we got up so Max could pay the bill.

"What are you doing here?" Max asks clearly pissed off. Olivia lets go of his hand and runs to my side even if I was closer to Amelia. I hold her hand and look back.

"Leave. I warned you once, I won't be so gentle this time" I am fuming and her face showed me she knew it and she feared it.

"I am here for my daughter, she has a right to have a mother" Amelia says confidently.

"Leave us alone. You are not my mother" Olivia says angrily and I look at her surprisedly.

"I don't know what they told you but I am your mother" Amelia says trying to get closer but my face and posture warned her not to do that so she stopped a few steps away from us.

"No! You are an egg donor. Claire is my mom. Max is my dad, you are nothing. You are a mean crazy lady who tried to take me away. I don't like you" Olivia says confidently, I am completely dumbfounded so I look at Max.

"Leave or I'll call the cops" I see the fury in his eyes as he faces Amelia who was completely taken by surprise.

"I- This won't be the end of me. This is parental alienation" She says before storming off. Max goes to pay and I kneel to look at Olivia whose eyes were watery.

"I'm sorry. I should've asked you first but she scares me" She says scaredly.

"No, no. That is not a problem. Are you okay liefje?" I ask worriedly and she nods. "Can I give you a hug?"

"Yes, please" She says opening her little arms and I hug her, she hugs me tightly and I pick her up so we could leave for the car. Max looks at me questioning what was happening and I just nod so he knew she is okay, he nods and opens the door for us to leave the place.

This is a tough one.

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