𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

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♪ Moments of magic and wonder
It seems so hard to find
Is it ever coming back again? ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I was watching them closely since she left my side. He immediately went to her side. They laughed, Lando looked at me a few times and I tried to dodge his eyes. I don't want to be caught staring. Until it happened. I saw her getting up, and he did the same, basically covering her with his body, he sat back, looked her up and down and I saw the desire on his face. I was invested until I wasn't.

She had a smirk and then the unexpected happened, she lowered down to his height and kissed him, he pushed her to his lap and the kiss kept going. When it ended he had some of her lipstick on and I was pissed. Why am I pissed? Well, I can answer that. I am pissed because I wanted to be him so fucking badly.

He helped her so she wouldn't get exposed and I left to go outside for some air. Did she really have to do it in front of me? It was pretty clear that I am not her type, me and Lando are nothing alike. We are friends but physically we are two different types and personalities wise it's an even bigger difference.

"You got back" I hear Daniel say happily and I nod.

"It was getting hot here" I say and he laughs.

"It was definitely like a sauna on that couch" Daniel says laughing and I just give him a fake smile. I looked over and none of the two were there. For the first time, she was with Charles and Carlos without him close by.

"I should get going. Two hours are enough for me tonight" I say going to pick up my jacket.

"You are the winner, you are not leaving now" Daniel says trying to stop me.

"I should leave" I say not feeling in the mood for that. I went to the parking lot and I hear someone calling me.

"MAX!" Claire yells before I entered the car and I insult myself for not walking faster.

"What?" I ask turning around angrily.

"Why are you leaving? It's midnight" She asks confusedly and stops a few steps away from me.

"I'm tired, I have Olivia with a babysitter and it won't be my only win" I say uninterested in this talk. I look at her lips and she had retouched the lipstick that a few minutes ago was smudged.

"You could stay a little more"

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with Lando? Why do you care that I stay? I won, you are making him feel he won something just like you said you would. Keep doing a good job, I never doubted you" I say raising my voice and putting down my jacket on the roof of my car.

"I am not something to be won. I was mad" She says also raising her voice.

"Why would you be mad?" I ask confused.

"Because you want me to admit I want something more when you clearly just want to mock me for that. That is fucking ridiculous. Go ahead. Leave" She says turning around.

"I don't want to mock you. I just want you to say it. Loud and clear. That's all" I say and she stops in her tracks.

"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say what you have no courage to? Fuck off" She says angrily and I nod a bit infuriated.

"I just saw you kiss a guy. That is also my friend. I am pissed off. I wanted to be him. That is how shitty this situation is. I am jealous. I don't know if it's just the sexual tension or if it's something more. But I want to kiss you so badly but I won't. I am not the one you want and I am certainly not the person you deserve" I say and she is just paralyzed, probably interiorizing my words.

"I want to kiss you" She says after a few seconds and I just froze.

"Don't do it" I say as I saw her getting closer.

"Kiss me" She says looking up at me.

"I can't Claire. This could end badly" I say fighting my own urge to kiss her.

"And this could never end. Kiss me, Max. This is your last chance" She says and I take a deep breath.

I put my hand on the side of her neck and kissed her. I felt the tension leaving my body, it was like a weight got off my shoulders. She kissed me back and it was better than I could've ever expected. Her peculiar smell was invading me, her skin was soft and she was definitely cold. As soon as her body touched mine I could feel the temperature difference. I wasn't even thinking about anything else when it happened.

We took a step back for some breathing and I picked up my jacket from the roof of the car to put it over your shoulders.

"Thanks" She says putting her arms through the jacket which was bigger on her than the dress. "I didn't kiss Lando, I wasn't going to do it, he pulled me closer and it happened" She says after a few seconds.

"As long as you don't do it again, you don't owe me an explanation but I don't want to be kissing you after you kissed another guy" I say looking her in the eyes, she was being honest.

"Can you drive me back to the hotel?" She asks and I nod. "Should you even drive?"

"I drank two glasses, we will be fine" I say and we both get in. The drive was quiet and I think we were both still thinking about what we had just done. I parked the car and we went inside.

"Good night" She says as we both got to our rooms that were side by side.

"I rented a villa in Australia. Olivia's birthday is on the 10th, that's the race day. We are leaving Thursday and staying in the villa. You are welcome to come, she would love it. My mom will arrive on the 4th and will stay until the 11th" I say while she opened her door.

"Are you inviting me to say there from the 29th to the 11th or to go to her birthday party?" She asks confusedly.

"I am inviting you from the 29th to the 12th. The jet leaves at around 8 PM, it's a long flight and it will be hard because of the time difference but she liked the idea of going earlier and it's better than just going back to Monaco" I say and she smiles.

"I will see you Thursday. I will be ready by 7 then" She says happily and I smile.

"Thank you" I say and she closes the door.

Maybe taking the risk wasn't that bad. I have nothing to lose. I would have to take this risk someday, at least let it be someone everyone around me likes. My daughter likes her, my mom too, and so does my sister, and my friends and that's something in our favor.

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now