𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 48

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♪ I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

A birthday party was definitely something unexpected. I expected the gifts to be all about the baby, I wouldn't be mad if they were because I am obviously pregnant so it's what normally happens but it wasn't. Almost everything was for me. Every single person seemed to know me so well that they bought stuff that I absolutely love. It seemed like I bought these things myself so I think they all had some type of help.

"What is it?" I ask when Lorenzo comes in my direction.

"Open it!" He says happily and nervously and I nod. I open it to find a gorgeous Birkin.

"Oh My God! Did you sell your kidney? How did you get such an expensive purse?" I ask completely shocked. I had received a few purses, all brand ones but Lorenzo has outdone himself, which he always tries to do as the oldest brother.

"I have money! And Charles has the connections" He says giving Charles an opening for his gift.

"I hope you like it, I love you sis" He says clearly nervous and I see the little box he gave me. As soon as I open it I see a beautiful necklace with my initials, Max's and Olivia's.

"It's so pretty!" Olivia whispers as she holds Max's hand.

"Charles! Thank you so much!" I feel the tears in my eyes as I go to hug him and he hugs me back.

"I will put his initial there once he is born. I promise" He says giving his cute little smile and I nod.

"Thank you! This is truly very special" I say as I stared at the gorgeous necklace.

"I have one for you, my love. I knew you would want it too" He says as he kneels down to Olivia's height and she pouts.

"Really?" She asks already on the verge of tears as he takes a similar box out of his pocket and gives it to her.

"Thank you Charlie!" She says hugging his neck emotionally and Charles smiles at the nickname she has been giving him.

"Thank you man" Max says when Charles got up and stood by his side and Olivia was staring at her gorgeous necklace.

"Thank you" I mouth at Charles with tears appearing again. Oh, pregnancy is making me too emotional.

"Sis, they already stole my spotlight and god knows what your man will do next. But this is for you, I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday!" Arthur says clearly nervous and I smile proudly.

"They can fuck off, I won't compare gifts" I say as I took his wrapped gift. I open it to find a box.

"Where I have seen this before?" I ask confusedly and he signals me to go ahead.

I never thought this was what I would receive but as soon as I opened it I knew what it was. Dad passed away and he had this camera he took everywhere so he could film us. Even if we were fighting he would record us so I have a video of me punching Arthur after he took my ice cream away, he then shoved the ice cream in my face as he cried for Mom.

I remember trying to lie but Dad had the camera in his hand and I knew it was worthless.

"Dad wanted it to go for the person who had kids first, so I looked for it and prepared it for your birthday, I didn't expect you to be pregnant by now but it will come in handy. It still works so it's fine" He explains and by now I was literally sobbing.

"Your father wrote everyone a few letters before passing away and I wanted you to have yours today because you never wanted to read them. I hope you can find it in yourself to read his last words" Mom says as she points to the box and I raise the camera to find a stack of letters. Fucking hell. I'm dehydrated at this point.

"Arthur won" I hear Lorenzo whispering and I look up to find my whole family crying and a few of our friends.

"Thank you so much! I never thought this would be it. I am truly speechless, I can't thank you enough" I saw hugging Arthur tightly.

"You are a mom now. You know how much he loved us" He says as he rubbed my back trying to calm down my crying.

"Thank you all for the gifts!" I say a few minutes after wiping away the tears and wasting a few tissues.

"Are you forgetting me?" Max asks insulted by my words and a lot of people laugh at his indignation.

"I would never forget you baby" I try to defend myself but there is no possible defense. I also thought he would give me his gift in private since he didn't step in to give me his gift, and I couldn't see any gift left. "Where is it?" I ask as I look around the room, as does everyone.

"It's outside, come with me" He says giving me his hand to hold and I obviously accept it.

We get in the elevator and get down to the building's garage. He is not giving me a car, is he? He didn't rent a whole ass penthouse, gave the best birthday party even, and went to the trouble of having a car delivered here. I know he isn't that crazy.

"Which one do you think it's yours?" He asks teasingly and I look around the garage.

"You wouldn't dare to give me a car" I say as I watch him casually shrug.

I look around until my eyes focus on a Ferrari, I had been gushing about wanting the new SUV Ferrari has been talking about, even the name is fancy. Ferrari Purosangue, I also heard it costs 500K so I would never buy it. Ever. 

"It can't be, you wouldn't buy a Ferrari. Where is my Honda or Ford?" I ask taking my attention away from the little that I could see of the Ferrari.

"I would buy you anything baby, your brother is still a Ferrari's driver, he has a good word and can manage to find a car about to be released" He says with a cocky smile.

"You wouldn't" I answer once again.

"I would babe, I would do anything for you" He says getting closer and putting a car key in my hand before kissing me.

When the kiss ended I looked at my hand and saw the logo of Ferrari. He got me the half-a-million car and I just looked at him in shock before walking to the most gorgeous SUV I've seen. Now this is a life I could have.

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