𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 34

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♬ You know everything to say
Just as long as I'm in danger ♬

Max Verstappen POV

It took Claire half an hour to get back and since she looked like she had seen a ghost I had to interrupt the conversation with my engineer and Christian to check on her before she passed out or something.

"Are you okay? Because you don't look okay" I ask getting closer to her and she nods.

"I'm fine. My stomach is not the best right now. Maybe the breakfast was a bad idea" She says avoiding looking at me and I am now confused.

"Does wearing Red Bull merch make you that sick? Because I could give in and let you wear the Ferrari merch or none at all" I say looking at the shirt she is now wearing.

"That is very nice of you but I don't think the merch is the problem" She says finally looking at me. She is hiding something.

"What happened?" I ask seriously. I want to know and I will find out.

"Where is Olivia?" She asks without taking her eyes off mine.

"With Sergio outside" I say waiting for the response.

"Great" She says right before getting on her tiptoes and kissing me. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her back.

Why did she kiss me? I don't know and I honestly don't care. The kiss ended and she turned around to leave.

"Did someone say something to you? I can take care of it, you know it" My words made her stop on her tracks and look at me.

"I never want him here again. Can you do that for me?" She asks directing her eyes to my father who already watched us clearly angry.

"I can do that. Can you give me a reason?" I ask with a bad feeling about this.

"Do I need to?" She made the question but she also left immediately so I was left wondering, not for long though. I went to my dad and called him into the back.

"Did you say something to Claire? You have no right to fuck this up for me" I say as soon as I close the door and he shakes his head.

"Don't let yourself be controlled by a woman. They know how to make themselves the victim. She is no victim. I saw her in your room. Olivia wasn't there and you definitely weren't. She is here for your money, she didn't give a shit about you before you won the championship" The anger in his voice made me question why he hated Claire so much even though he had just seen her this weekend.

"Why do you pretend to know her? Because you don't. You tried to forbid her from entering the motorhome and I had told you how much she meant to Olivia and now you suddenly hate her. Is there something I'm missing? Because she definitely could ask Charles for money, she doesn't need me for that" I said confusedly.

"She tried to hit on me in your room. I backed off and told her that wouldn't work on me. She doesn't want you, she wants a free ticket, nothing more" He says sitting on one of the chairs.

"You are old enough to be her father, she didn't hit on you. Are you attracted to my girlfriend? Is that why you don't want me to have her? You want her for yourself" I start to arrive at the conclusion myself so when he swallows nervously I am shocked.

"She is a child. I am not attracted to her" He tries to sound defensive but his eyes told me everything I needed to know.

"That's disgusting. You made a move on her didn't you? That is why she couldn't even look at me. God. You are fucking disgusting" I say leaving the room immediately.

"Is everything alright?" Christian asks worriedly.

"No. This fucking weekend is a shitshow. I want Jos out of here. Can you do that?" I ask seriously and he nods calmly.

"I could do that, no problem. Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.

"Do that. Thank you" I say leaving his side and looking for Claire who was outside with Olivia while talking to Lorenzo.

"Good luck with the practice" Lorenzo says when he sees me and I nod.

"Thank you. Can I take her for a second?" I ask and he nods giving us a wink before redirecting Olivia's attention elsewhere.

"What?" Claire asks confusedly.

"He is going to be escorted out. I'm sorry" I say honestly and she seems surprised.

"What did he tell you?" She asks confusedly and I shrug.

"He told me one thing and I knew the opposite was true. You didn't want him here ever again and I will make it happen for you. I should've cut him off earlier" I say touching her cheek carefully and she smiles.

"I thought you would believe him" She says clearly nervous and I smile.

"Nah, I've learned not to do that a long time ago. You've taught me things he never could've" I say before leaning down to kiss her as my hand was on her cheek.

"Thank you for not believing him and for getting him out of here. I know that was hard" She whispers as we step back.

"It was a pretty easy choice considering it was between having you or him in my life" I say preparing to enter the garage.

"Good lucky daddy" Olivia says when she seems me leaving and I pick her up.

"Thank you baby. Come inside with Mom to watch it" I say kissing her cheek and Claire follows us still speechless. I watch as Jos is walked out and I ignore him, bringing Claire closer to me with my free hand.

She is mine, she won't be his. I kissed my daughter again before putting her down. I kissed Olivia's cheek and I got in the car while they prepared everything for the last practice. It ended with me in second place and Charles in first so I congratulated him and went inside.

The rest of the day was like it sped up. Qualifying was second place for me and first for Charles, I congratulated him and we talked for a while before we had to go back to work.

What Is Love? ∞ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now