𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 33

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♬ Damn you always get your way
Guess it's written in your nature ♬

Claire Leclerc POV

We left the hotel together, we entered the circuit in the same car and people were already recording. Olivia had a cute dark blue dress on with cute red shoes in support of her dad. Her cute little hat was from RedBull with the 1 on it. I only had the Red Bull hat in support of Max because I was arriving with him. We got out of the car and I took Olivia out, she went to the middle of us and each of us held one of her hands.

People were definitely surprised, a lot of people just said hello to her and waved in awe because she is a cutie. She is Max's little version without the aggression and swearing words. We arrived at the paddock and Charles was close by. He got on his knees and prepared to high-five her.

"Uncle Charles" She says after high-fiving him and hugging him.

"That is new" Lando says surprisedly. Both Pierre and he were talking to Charles before we got here.

"A lot of things are new" Charles says happily while picking Olivia up. Some people took photos but we just watched. Max's arm surrounds my waist and his hand rests there, I look up at him and he just gives me a smile.

"Uncle Charles. Do friends kiss? I don't think that's hygienic" Olivia and I choke on the air that I was breathing. Oh, no.

"Friends don't usually kiss. But sometimes it happens" Charles says with confusion in his voice.

"Dad kissed Mom but she said they are friends. Adults are weird" Olivia says pointing at us and I cough while Max laughs.

"Mom?" Pierre asks confusedly.

"Yes. Did you know you could choose who your parents are? Feelings are more important than titles" Olivia asks innocently and Pierre nods.

"That is very grown up of you to say Liv. That is completely true" Pierre says smiling at her and she happily nods asking to go down from Charles's arms.

"I will see you later" I say as we resumed our path. We arrive at the garage and Christian smiles.

"You are looking gorgeous today Olivia" He says excitedly as she ran to his arms and he hugs her.

"I can be with dad everywhere now. Isn't that great?" She says while looking around and I smile.

"I need some water. Give me a few minutes" I say turning to Max and he nods.

"I can get you the water" He says as I prepared to leave.

"I know" I say while leaving the garage and heading to the motorhome. Once I get inside I see Jos and he follows me to Max's room.

"What do you want from my son? Money?" He asks and I try not to laugh.

"Good morning. How are you doing? Oh, I'm pretty fine but I'm in a worry" I make a few pauses between the imaginary exchange and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't ignore me. I know you want something. You never cared for him until now. You are using Olivia to get to him. What do you want from him? Do you want fame and money? Because I will not let you destroy everything he has" He says with a threatening look and getting closer.

"You are not the boss of me. Nobody is. I can do whatever the fuck I want. If you take another step in my direction I will tell your son about this exchange. I would advise you to back the fuck off and get out of my way the whole weekend. I want nothing from Max. I have money and I have my brothers if I was looking for publicity" I threaten him back but he doesn't back off. There was very little space between us and I don't like it.

"I get what he sees in you. You are hot but women should stay in their place. Be a good housewife and obey their husband" He says looking me up and down and I could throw up with the look he gave when he locked our eyes. Is that desire?

"I can get a restraining order against you. But that would mean you can't even come closer to your son most of the time and surely your granddaughter. If you dare to touch me I will do my best to destroy you. I am not the women you are used to. I don't obey a man. Much less you" I say taking a step further. I am not going to be intimidated by him.

"Who do you think Max will believe? The little slut who has been following him around or his own dad who taught him everything he knows?" He asks with a smirk and I grin.

"You didn't teach him everything luckily or he wouldn't be a world champion today. He would be a failure just like you. Besides, you are the one who has a criminal record. I won't back down if you assault me. I will make you regret every breath you take if you lay a hand on me" I stand my ground. I am not afraid of him.

"You would be great for Max as a quick fuck or a fling. But not as a wife. Leave him and Olivia alone" He says looking down at me.

"Does Sandy know you are jerking off to me in the shower? Because it sure does feel like jealousy and your wife won't like it. You are not my type. I don't like men old enough to be my father, especially when they think they own the world or that I owe them something" I blurt out and he is taken aback. He takes a step back and gulps. I am right. This man is disgusting.

"Don't go that low Claire. I would never want you in Sandy's place" He angrily says raising his voice.

"You could never have me. I am not one to be controlled. I am way too much for you and way younger. Don't touch me or I will make you regret it. Now, get out" I say pointing to the door and he gets out closing it strongly.

I threw up the breakfast. The looks he gave me were disgusting, they made me sick. It took me longer than it should have to leave the toilet. That man is disgusting and he is dangerous. I washed my teeth with an extra toothbrush that I found there and contemplated myself in the mirror. I look bad.

But I did what I wanted to do from the start. I put Max's shirt on as he requested and I went to the garage, how will I face Jos with the information I just gathered? I don't know and I don't want to.

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