𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 50

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♪ What it takes to love a queen
She should know she's royalty ♪

Claire Leclerc POV

Watching as a knife stood way too close to my daughter was more than enough to make me cave. I looked at the cameras to make sure my face could be followed once they checked the footage. During the whole walk to the car, no security guard crossed our way, I couldn't ask for help without endangering myself, Olivia, or the baby I'm carrying.

We took Max's car, she had the key to the Honda Red Bull had rented for him. She took us to a sketchy part of the city. Abu Dhabi has abandoned warehouses? Fucking hell. She sat each of us in a chair and focused on me.

"You are gorgeous even when pregnant. I can see why Max is so infatuated with you" She says calmly and I nod.

"Can you give her some water please?" I ask avoiding my spiteful answer because I would insult her.

"Do you need water my baby?" She asks getting closer to Olivia who gives her a hateful look.

"No" She answers coldly.

"Let's just wait for Max to be available for the grand finale" She says happily.

She put down the knife and pulled out a gun. The fuck is she thinking of doing? We did wait for about 2 hours I think. It felt like an eternity, she called Max and talked to him until she said I would make a choice between who would die. I saw the panic on Olivia's face after Amelia punched me to the ground.

"Be more respectful honey, you are 6 months pregnant, there is no time for being stupid to the person who is holding the gun. Make a choice or I will" She threatened me as she pointed the gun at Olivia. The line was dead silent, Max couldn't even talk.

"Leave my daughter alone"" I scream defensively as I get up.

"She is my daughter! Choose now!" She yells back. "You can't be the hero now, someone is going to die. You and your real kid or Olivia"

"Mom. I will be fine. You can't die, you have your baby" Olivia says as she starts crying but she tries to give me a smile.

"No! No! You are not hurting my daughter! She is just a kid Amelia!" I yell as I try to show her how unfair this was.

"5 Million Amelia! I will give you anything! Just negotiate with me! Please! I beg you!" Max yells on the phone as desperation filled his voice.

"No money is worth making you all suffer" She says happily. "What do you choose?"

"Mom, I will be fine" Olivia says as she touches my hand with the most heartbreaking smile on her face. She was up from her chair.

"No! Kill me, please. Don't hurt my daughter. Don't do it" I beg her in complete panic.

"You can choose him mom. He is yours" Olivia says looking up at me.

"Listen to me carefully. You are mine, you are my daughter. I am your mom. Never forget it. I love you, more than anything" I say looking into her eyes as tears rolled down my face.

"You are sacrificing for a child who isn't yours. Nobody would blame you for choosing yourself. You have your baby to protect" Amelia says as I just hug Olivia.

"This baby is not born yet, I love him. But she is a kid halfway to her seventh birthday. I can't do that. She is my daughter, you should be more guilty about this. You abandoned her and now you want to take her life away when she was finally happy. I won't let that happen" I say putting Olivia behind me.

"So you are the one dying. Heard that Max? Time to find a new mommy for Olivia" She says jokingly.

"Amelia. I can do whatever you want. I will send the police away. I will buy a house anywhere you want. I will pay you any amount, I will buy you a private flight. Just let them go" He begs and his tone breaks my heart.

"I am not getting out of here. We both know it. I am murdering someone tonight so I don't care. Have fun listening though. How does it feel to be so powerless?" She says as her gun points at me and Olivia screams scaredly.

"Please don't kill my mom and my brother. She is good to me, I love Claire. Please don't do that. Don't take my mom away" Olivia begs going in her direction.

"I am your mother. Why don't you understand that? This is your dad's fault. I could've been a good mother but he kept me away. And now Claire is doing it like she is a fucking hero. She isn't. You will find a new mom soon"

Now we know why she is angry enough to kill one of us.

"Amelia, can she not watch it? She doesn't need to see it" I ask worriedly and Olivia turns to me in panic.

"I can do that. Come with me baby" She says as she accompanies Olivia outside.

"I'm sorry guys. I love you all. I am so sorry" I said as tears kept rolling down my face.

"Baby, please. Try to run. The police are on their way" Max begs me.

"I can't run that fast and Olivia would be at risk. I love you, remember that" I say before she heads back to where I was.

"Finally I find you in a debilitating space. I will give it to you, saving that child seems like a mistake but it's honorable" She says with some mocking in her voice.

"Don't leave me mom! Please! I love you!" Olivia screamed outside of the room. Over and over again. She banged on the door and my heart broke as the gun was pointed at my chest.

"Any last words?" She asks with a victorious smile.

My emotions were all messed up and for the first time it wasn't due to the pregnancy, she went completely nuts. Today I finally understood why people would say they would do anything for their kids. It's very much true.

Today I also learned that a gunshot is loud as fuck. My ears were ringing for seconds after I heard it. I choked on the air I was breathing and I heard screams. Olivia was definitely screaming and fighting to open the door. As the seconds went by I heard crying and the screams got unrealistically high. Fuck.

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