𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 43

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♪ I want a road trip in the summers
I wanna make fun of each other ♪

Max Verstappen POV

Knowing that Claire is pregnant has made me happier than I thought I would be. I always told myself that I wouldn't have kids again for years however I am delighted to know I will have a kid with Claire, which made me realize how much I love her, I am crazy about her. I am in love with this woman, she makes my day.

Monaco is the next so we just relaxed at home. We are now enjoying the weekend, Olivia loves walking around the paddock with Claire because Claire is literally always talking to someone. She is allowed in almost every single garage on the grid, she is that friendly to be fair. I finished what I had to do for the day, Friday was done for me and I went to find her, she was in McLaren's garage with Lando.

"You do know she is out of the market right?" I playfully ask Lando who happily talked to my girlfriend and held my daughter.

"Is she? I hadn't noticed mate, I saw no ring so I took my chance" He answers with a mischievous smile and Claire laughs.

"No ring is needed" Claire says giving me a wink and I smile. So the winks are a family thing.

"Get out of the garage of my enemy, I can't even get in" I say as I stood there watching them and she gets out.

"I think I will keep Olivia here though" Lando says putting his tongue out.

"Give me my daughter back. I can schedule something outside of our work hours" I say as he put Olivia down.

"Bye uncle Lando" Liv says as she waved goodbye with the hand that wasn't holding mine.

"I need you to talk to Christian to take care of what happened. You could tell him her name or identify her in the photos, if you don't I will ask someone to review the footage in the hallway and I will see who got inside my room" I say calmly as we walked through the paddock, I was more than ready to go home.

"Max, please. Don't get someone fired because of that, I can handle it" She says shaking her head in clear disapproval and I chuckle.

"Baby, nobody can talk to you like that. What she did is completely unacceptable. What if there was something else going on inside that room? She can't even get in without verbal confirmation, she broke too many rules for me. Most of all, she was disrespectful, intrusive, and highly judgemental. She can find another place of employment, and I will take care of it with or without your help" I was not giving up on this and she seemed to realize that.

"I will talk to Christian but I hope he has more common sense than you and that a clear warning is given to her. If she repeats the stunt then she should go" Claire says closing the subject.

"Oh, I talked to Christian. He has the same point of view as me, don't worry about it. Tomorrow you can talk to him" I say with some smugness and she rolls her eyes.

"You are so annoying sometimes" She mutters and I laugh.

"Dad is boring sometimes" Olivia joins and Claire is one that laughs now.

"Well, I thought you would take my side here" My surprise was obvious and Liv giggles.

"No. I am on Mom's side. She has way more talents than you" 

"Such as?" I wanted to know what Claire had that made her take her side so quickly.

"She has good taste in clothes, and she buys me a lot of beautiful clothes" She starts and I nod.

"I pay for the clothes though" I add as I hear Claire laughing.

"Well, she is better at reading bedtime stories" 

"Well, you could choose more Dutch books but you always go for the English ones. You even have French books now, why?" I say confused about why was this part of Claire's talents.

"Because Mom's main language is French. Her, grandma Pascale and the uncles are teaching me French" She retorts.

"Okay. That's fair, I guess. What else do I lack talent in?" I know it sounds childish but I want to know how much my daughter thinks I lack.

"She cooks better. She can do my hair. She sings and dances better than you too. I think that is all I remember for now. I can tell you more once I remember" Olivia says lifting a finger anytime she added a new talent for Claire.

"Well. I am actually a very talented person but thank you for this humbling experience" I say as we get to the car and I open the door for Claire and then Olivia's door so I could put her in her seat.

"Claire is better at giving advices" She adds as I finished buckling her in.

"Oh, great. Thank you darling" The sarcasm was strong and Claire had this winning smile on her face. Why did I start this? It was obvious that the answer wasn't going to go in my favor.

"I still love you dad. You don't need to be perfect" Liv says once I get in my seat and I nod.

"Thank you baby. I love you too" I start to drive off and I felt Claire's eyes on me.

We got home and after dinner, we watched some tv and went to put Olivia to bed.

"I know some stuff you are more talented than Mom" She says proudly and I smile.

"That's not necessary baby" Claire says stroking her hair with a smile.

"Oh no. Please, go ahead darling" I am now curious. It's my turn to be happy now.

"You are better at driving. You are better at playing games. You are definitely better in sports and exercises too" She says excitedly and I nod watching as Claire threatened me with her eyes.

"That is great to hear, thank you liefje" I say kissing her forehead as she smiled innocently.

"Well, we both love you equally so that is no competition" Claire says repeating my gesture.

"And I love you both a lot" She answers a bit more sleepily.

We started reading her something but she quickly fell asleep. We went to the living room and I held Claire in my arms. I rest my hand on her flat stomach and I smile. Our baby is in there and I'm happy about it. 

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