Stargate Atlantis & Castle: Close Encounters of the Ancient Kind

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Story description: John Sheppard and Rodney McKay go to New York when Ancient technology is involved in the death of an astrophysicist. They inspire Richard Castle to write science fiction.

Inspired by Castle S3E09: Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind, where an astrophysicist was murdered and the cause of death was "exposure to a zero atmosphere environment."

Close Encounters of the Ancient Kind

"What's going on?" John Sheppard asked when he and Rodney McKay reported to Samantha Carter's office. They were due to return to the Pegasus galaxy soon, and John had expected to spend the next few days on vacation. He'd been at the airport, picking out a mystery to read on his flight, when Sam summoned him back.

"Yes, I thought we were done with meetings," Rodney added.

"So did I, until I got a call from New York." Sam sat down at her desk. "An astrophysicist died last night. Her name was Marie Subbarao. She worked at the Aubrey Science Center on projects for NASA and SETI."

"So?" Rodney asked.

John elbowed him. "Remember how you were going to work on empathy?"

Rodney cleared his throat. "Yes, I realize a human being and lesser colleague has died, and it's a loss to the scientific community and to any family she leaves behind, but what does that have to do with us?"

Sam handed them a photo.

"Ugh!" Rodney glanced away and scooted his chair back. "What happened to her?"

"This looks like she was exposed to a zero atmosphere environment." John was puzzled. "How did that happen to an Earth-bound scientist?"

"Extrapolating from the police reports, I think she got hold of some kind of alien technology, possibly Ancient. She managed to activate it, and it sent her above Earth's atmosphere. Then it detected she was in distress, and returned her to her vehicle in New York City," Sam explained.

"But it was too late," John said.

"I need the two of you to recover the alien artifact," Sam told them.

"What's our cover?" John asked.


"Men in Black?" Rodney complained when he returned to Sam's office in the black suit that had been supplied.

John straightened his own jacket and pulled on a pair of sunglasses. "I like it."

"Well of course you would. You look like James Bond. I, on the other hand, look like a bloated penguin."


"Hey, Castle!"

Richard Castle looked up as Javier Esposito slid into the chair next to him. "Any new leads?"

"Couple of guys just left the Captain's office, and now they're going over the evidence we've gathered. They want to see everything the vic had on her when she died." Javier glanced around to make sure no one else was listening. "I heard they were from a government agency. I didn't see badges, but they were dressed in black suits."

"Men in Black!" Rick loved it. "Does Beckett know?"

"Yeah, and she's not thrilled that no one will tell her who they are. One of them was carrying a satchel and she got a look inside. He has a copy of your latest book."

"At least he has good taste."

"So, Beckett suggested you might have better luck than she did getting them to talk about who they are."

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