Crossover: Supernatural & Doctor Who - Alien Hunters

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A/N: Written for AO3 Crossworks challenge. This is an AU where Supernatural takes place in the universe of Doctor Who, and the Winchesters hunt aliens.

November 1995, Montana hotel room

Sam woke to the sound of his brother yelling. He threw back the covers and crossed the three feet to Dean's bed in the small hotel room, shaking him awake. "Hey, you're dreaming," Sam said. He was twelve years old and his voice cracked, but he didn't think Dean would give him a bad time about it tonight.

Dean sat up, taking a ragged breath. He glanced around the room, and seeing that John wasn't there, he didn't bother to whisper when he said, "Thanks, Sammy."

"Same nightmare?"

"Yeah. The night Mom died." Dean flipped a switch on the lamp between their beds, giving them a small pool of light. The alarm clock on the table said it was 4:51.

Sam sat next to Dean and pulled up the blanket over his bare legs. It was November in Montana, and the room's heater barely staved off the bitter cold. "Tell me about it," he said. He could usually convince Dean to talk about the nightmare if their dad wasn't around to tell them to shut up and go back to sleep.

Dean didn't even bother to protest this time, like maybe he'd realized that talking about it helped. "I heard Dad yelling that night, and it woke me up. I ran down the hallway, to the door of your bedroom." He grinned. "There was a mobile over your crib with animals and stuff on it. The giraffe, that's the one I remember." He pushed Sam over and tickled him. "Maybe that's why you're growing so tall."

Sam laughed but pushed Dean away. "And then what?"

"Dad shoved you into my arms and told me to run. I mean, yelled it. Pushed me down the hall and told me to go, and then he ran back into your room."

"Where Mom was," Sam said. Their Dad would never talk to them about it, but over the years the brothers had eavesdropped when John swapped stories with other hunters. Then knew John had tried to rescue Mary.

"Yeah, and somehow I made it down the stairs without dropping you, but the house was burning down around us. I got confused in the smoke, and it took me a while to make it outside. I got singed - well, we both did. Finally I stumbled across the street and collapsed next to some bushes."

Sam nodded. He'd heard this story enough times that he knew what to expect. Dean would mention the flashing lights of emergency vehicles surrounding their house as it was engulfed in flames, the people speaking in accents not normally heard in Kansas, and the... things... in black suits, telling them to forget.

Sometimes Sam wished it had worked - that John and Dean could have been convinced Mary Winchester died in a tragic house fire. But they'd remembered the truth, and John was obsessed. Oh, he hid it well enough from the casual observer, telling people their constant road trips were for fun, just family bonding over UFO sightings, laughing off the idea of actually encountering "little green men."

Sam and Dean knew better. Their father would never stop hunting aliens until he destroyed the yellow-eyed monster that had taken his wife.

Earth was attacked or invaded by aliens surprisingly often. And even more surprisingly, the majority of the population forgot about these incidents immediately afterward. They were Silenced - subjected to an alien power that caused their memories to be replaced with a belief that there'd simply been a natural disaster.

However, the Silence didn't work on everyone. Some of those who couldn't forget were driven by their trauma into hunting.

"And then I heard this whooshing noise," Dean said.

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