Red White & Royal Blue: Thanksgiving Plans

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Alex opens a group chat to share his brilliant idea.

Alex: I'm going to host Thanksgiving dinner!

Henry: Didn't you have an existential crisis last Thanksgiving?

Alex: That was the turkey

Nora: The turkey had an existential crisis?

Alex: I had a crisis over the turkey

Alex: No turkey this year

Alex: Problem solved

Nora: No turkey?

Nora: What are we eating?

Alex: BBQ

Alex: Texas theme

Nora: Pecan pie?

Alex: Yes!!! Pecan pie

Nora: Henry should experience pumpkin pie for his first American Thanksgiving

Alex: We can have two pies

Alex: Will you come Henry?

Nora responds with an eggplant emoji and another emoji Alex is still squinting at when Henry responds

Henry: umm

Alex: Please! You can bring Bea

Alex: It's cultural enrichment

Nora: And pie

Nora: And the yam and marshmallow dish, right?

Alex: Sure

Henry: Really? Yam and marshmallow? Is that a joke?

Nora: No joke

Alex: And cornbread

Alex: Cornbread is great with bbq

Nora: Yes!

Henry: Checking the schedule

Henry: This will be in Texas?

Alex: Yes

Nora: No

Alex: No?

Nora: Your mom has that speech here in DC, remember?

Alex: Right

Alex: The kitchen in the White House is bigger anyway

Nora: You think the WH kitchen staff is going to let you cook?

Nora: Remember the enchiladas?

Alex: I'm sure they've forgotten that by now - it was 4 years ago

Henry: Enchiladas?

Nora: He was barred from touching any cooking appliances in the WH kitchen

Nora: There's a sign on the door

Nora: They mention it in new employee orientation

Alex: Just a sec

Alex: OK, dad says he'll cook

Nora: Good idea

Nora: They like him

Henry: Bea says yes

Bea has joined the chat

Bea: Do you really eat marshmallows on yams?

Oscar has joined the chat

Oscar: Catching up here — I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner for you kids?

Alex: And for mom

Alex: And Percy?

Henry: I'll check

Nora: I'll help with the pies

Henry: Percy says yes

Percy has joined the chat

Percy: Alex is hosting a feast? I'm in!

Oscar: Alex is hosting?

Oscar: I'm doing all the work

Alex: I'm organizing it

Alex: I'm more the idea guy

Nora: You're in charge of the playlist

Alex: Killer playlist

Alex: You'll be amazed

Henry: No karaoke right?

Henry: Right?


Of course there is karaoke.

Henry sings "Live and Let Die" from one of the James Bond movies. He gets into the spirit of things, doing the classic poses and looking very much like his movie star father.

The barbecue is excellent, but in Alex's opinion, nothing is as delicious as Henry.

A/N: Written for a Tumblr Flufftober Prompt: Family, Friends, and Loved Ones

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