➵ Council of Elrond

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Receiving the letter sent to you by Elrond himself was something of a shocker to you.
You just looked at it for quite some time before opening it and saw that you were called to Rivendall to discuss the Ring of Power that was found with a young hobbit.

You were called as you had some... past expericane with the Ring of Power almost 60 years ago with Gandalf, some of the best dwarves you knew, and Bilbo Baggins himself.

"Of course, I'm summoned the moment I find a liveable place to rest my head." You tutted as you complained to no one but yourself. "How'd that old fucker even know where I live?"

You paused in packing your bags and sat with the question for a moment. A perk of living alone was having no one to talk to, but you were convinced you were going insane. Ever since you were a small thing, you practically lived on your own and with the help of travellers or kind folk who opened their homes to you.
It was quite peaceful to just wander forests or villages with no goal in mind.

That was where you met Bilbo, come to mind. You were in that creepy forest no one sane would ever go into. However, 60 years ago, you were certainly more eccentric than you were today. You helped Bilbo free the dwarves from the spider's Web, but then Legolas had to come along and screw everything up.
You've never laughed as much as you did when the dwarves escaped, and thankfully, Bilbo convinced them to bring you along, and they all jumped around the barrels in the river, dodging the arrows the elves attack you all with.

Of course, times have changed. You were somewhat more mature and level-headed, and after weeks of finding a stable place to rest your head, that dumb letter came along and here we are, packing everything up to leave..again.

You folded the letter up and tucked it into the belt that snatched your waist before slipping on a jacket you stole from a bar a few years back. You then slung your bag over your shoulder and set out on the journey to Rivendall.

Upon walking along the forest path, the view of scattered smoke caught your attention. You diversed off the track you were on and walked towards the smoke, finding it lead to a village.
You brushed out the knots in your hair with your fingers, and scrubed the dirt from your clothes.

A chicken for two followed you as you walked, but left and circled back to where it first came from

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A chicken for two followed you as you walked, but left and circled back to where it first came from.
A pregnant woman carrying a water trail and struggling quite a bit.

"Excuse me." You stepped forward, making yourself clear to the woman.

"Oh my-" She froze, staring at your ears for a moment. "Your an elf!"

"Ah, you found me out." You joked, smiling at the woman. "Sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you struggling a bit. Would you mind? I can walk you to your home."

"I don't want to burden yo-" The woman smiled, but you slipped your hands under the wooden stock and lifted it over to your shoulders.

"Lead the way ma'am." You smiled at her. She smiled back and walked to her house.

OUT OF MY LEAGUE ๏ LEGOLASWhere stories live. Discover now