➵ Hold my Liquor

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Your numbers have lessened greatly. The women and children were being ordered to run as far as they could into the cave, but the Uruk Hai were trying to bash the hall door down. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas were still alive.

No one had a moments piece, as the fight went all through the night. There was a small opening window in the hall, and you watched as the dark of the night started to slip away. The fifth day was returning. Gandalf said he would be back by now, and you opened that Wizard wasn't late.

As Aragorn managed to get Hope across the King's head, you all boarded your horses, standing close to the door, waiting for it to fall.

Once it did, a war cry erupted and echoed in the cave as the last of the fighters charged through, swinging swords and ending everything they could.

Gandalf was true to his word. As the sun started to rise over the east, a figure blocked its light. And there Gandalf was, the Riders of Rohan appearing behind him as he charged down the mountain and right into the battle.
As you all barged through the gate and the orc toppled on the ground, a fight broke out.

It was not long before the battle ended, the Orcs all lying on the ground, defeated and dead

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It was not long before the battle ended, the Orcs all lying on the ground, defeated and dead. You removed your sword from the head of one of the Orcs.
"Sauron's loss will be terrible. With his reputation sweptened, the battle of Helm's Deep is over, and the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin." Gandalf says, moving around on his horse. "All out hope lies with two little Hobbits, somewhere over the ruins."

"Wippee!" You raised your fist in the most sarcastic and unthrilled way you could. 

The last thing you ever expected to happen was an orc jumping up from the ground and tackling you off your horse. But of course, that did in fact happen.
As your back collided with the ground, your made a noise of annoyed pain.

"Get off me!" You punched it in the head, but the Orc licked his lips as he pulled out a knife.

The commotion caught the attention of  the others in the area. As quick as they could, they made their way over.
You tried to push the Orc off, but his knife struck into your arm. However, your arm was better than it striking your neck.

"Don't move!" Legolas yelled out as he aimed with his bow. You kept still until an arrow that shot through the Orc's head made it go limp.

The Orc fell and you shoved it off. Those things smelt worse the closer you got to Mordor. You cradled your arm as you took out the knife, blood slowly dripped from the wound.

"Great." You scoffed, moving to your horse and opening one of the pocket, trying to find a bandage or something to use. "Just what I need."

"My lady, are you injured?" A man with long blond hair rode up to you. He was Eomer, the leader of Rohan's Riders.

"No, I'm just bleeding." You gesture your hand to dismiss him as you mount your horse. You found a small role of bandages and you were now unraveling them.

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