➵ Murky Waters

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After the moment with Legolas, nothing much was really said. Once you had reunited with two certain hobbits, everything seemed well. You even met Treebeard, one of the Ents who allowed you to be in the forest.

You had gotten of the horse to greet him, walking through deep water, up to your upper knee. You weren't sure how Pippin and Merry managed to claim Isengard, but you were thankful for it. The other Ents were taking care of the area and riding the remaining Orcs. You were looking into the water, seeing the corpses of some of the Orcs. As odd as it was, it gave you some hope that Middle Earth could be reclaimed. Be safer in a way.

At first, you thought you saw something move, you studied the area, suspecting it until you deemed it unthreatening. However, the moment you walked past it, you could something erupt from out of the water and soon felt something wrapped around your back, pulling into the murky waters.


You barely got a breath of air before you were submerged. The water had a ditch in the area, as you were pulled deeper under the water. Without a doubt you knew it was an orc. Unsheathing the knife on your belt, you attacked your attacker. From the murky view of the water you had, it soon turned a stained red as your blade drove into the skin of the orc. Bubbles and a muffled scream came from the orc as it thrashed you around the water. Your vision was blinded by blood -orc blood at that, so it was rather pungent- and so you shut your eyes. 

The Orc had some kind of wrath against you as it threw punches underwater, the ability was actually quite good, as movements are slowed underwater, but nonetheless.
You were starting to lose air, which was some what of a nessicessoty to you, so you trash around, tryingnto get back to the surface.

Suddenly, another hand grabbed your forearm and heaved you up. Elves were quite light, so it didn't take a lot of muscle to do so. You broke through the water, but you refused to open your eyes until you've clean them. You gasped for air and rubbed your eyes, getting rid of the blood water.

Merry and Pippin were at your side, checking if you were okay. You pulled yourself out of the water, feeling a hand help you up. But it quickly left you.

As your vision became unblurry, you watched as Legolas used three arrows to slowly kill the Orc that tried drowning you.
Aragorn had pulled you from the water, as he was soaked head to toe.

The Orc's blood stained the water, and you noticed the parts of your hair, that were drench in Orc Blood.

"Ugh, it's in my hair." You groaned as you gagged at the sight. You felt a lot like an Elf now that you were worried for your hair. "I've got it's blood in my hair."

Never have you wanted a bath so badly in your life.
And never would you expect Legolas to take off his Elven cloak.

You stared at him for a moment, wrapping the cloak around yourself and taking in long breathes.
Legolas looked over your shoulder for a moment before looking back at you. He had an expression on his face that was like he was waiting for an answer to something.

"Y/n?" Aragorn gently touched your forearm.

You blinked twice and looked at the man. "...What?"

"I asked if you were alright?" He took a short glance up at Legolas, a hidden smirk on his face.

"Uh... yeah, no I'm fine." You brushed the hair from your face. You turned to Merry and Pippin. "Thank you-" then you turned to Aragorn. "Thank you, truly."

You took a glance at Legolas once more. Your voice quietened slightly, for some reason a nervous thought took your mind.
"Thank you."

Legolas placed his bow and arrow back where thet once where. He reached out his arm and helped you back on the horse.
For the rest of the ride, ypu tried not to get the Orc blood on the elf. However, you soon come to see that there was another reason you tried not to touch him.

You were starting to fall for the Elf. And you know that elves only fall for someone once.

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