➵ Tavern Benefits

509 12 28


Warning: Pure Smut


The drinking challenge you had challenged Legolas, too, had gone a tad too far. You never easily got drunk, and if Legolas was the son of Thranduil, then you knew he could hold his liquor as well.

When you went to fetch another barrels of liquor, after the first two were empty, Legolas had come with you to help. You bumped into two people on the way, but the second time wasn't your fault.

As you walked around the barrels to take one off the stack, Legolas stumbled. Assumed, you smirked as you walked over to him, leaning down to be at eye level with him as he held onto the barrels for support.

"Too much alcohol, my prince?" You giggled, hiccuping for a moment.

As he looked up, the same space between you lessened by a great deal. For a moment, your smirk faulted, and it made Legolas look at your lips. You never got this close to see how...pretty his eyes looked. Even in the dim tavern light, they looked pretty.

As he rose back to stand up straight again, you stood straight as well. His eyes found their way to your own, the space left still so little.

"Sev..." He blinked, looking at both your eyes. "Sevin I dhaf gin an gi mibed?" He had a heavy breath. Can I kiss you?

Your mouth opened a small bit as you took a sharp breath in. A few blinks later, and a breath of shock, you slowly guided your hands towards his arms. You broke eye contact with him as you watched your fingers trail up his arm, only touching his muscle lightly. A feather felt like it tickled your stomach as his hands laid rest on your waist.

"Len iallon mibo lin." You had a breathy voice as you tilted your head up, your hands finding their ways to his face, holding it. Please kiss me.

Legolas wasted no time, his hands moved from your way to both sides of your face, his shoulders bunching up together as he pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as you gently wrapped your arm around his neck.

Your back was arched slightly as Legolas half pulled back to take a breath. He smelt of alcohol, an no doubt about it, so did you. His lips were soft, and his forehead pressed against yours as one of his hands held your lower back.

You slowly pulled back, taking deep breaths and staring at the collar of his shirt before you could properly open your eyes. You looked up at his eyes, glancing at him lips before leaning up and peering at his eyes.

A loud cheer brought you back to the realisation that you were still in a bar. You almost flinched at the noise, and you jerked your head in the direction of the noise. Nobody was looking at you. Nobody but Legolas.

Your face was turned, and his lips met yours once again, but this time, there was more urge to it. His teeth lightly bit your lower lip, and his mouth was open as his tongue slid into your mouth.
You felt as if you would melt at his touch.

You pushed your body up as you gripped his hair. His hand that rested on his back pulled you closer and gripped you tighter.
You felt him breathe sharply through his nose as he tilted his head in the other direction.

He took a small step forward, which led into multiple little steps, pressing you against the barrels of liquor.

"Oh." A man walked into the small cut-off area of the bar, right where youband Legolas were. He cough, announcing his presence. "Uh, sorry to disturb...uh, just need a Uh..."

OUT OF MY LEAGUE ๏ LEGOLASWhere stories live. Discover now