➵ A Gentle Embrace

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Elves only love once. It has been that way since the first elf came. And even though you weren't raised by Elves or brought up in tradition Elvish values, you were still an Elf, and that...that part of your life was still true.

During the Quest to take back Erebor with Thorin Oakenshield's Company, you met with Legolas more than you wanted too. Of course, you had mostly been their to protect poor little Bilbo and the people of Laketown, you had ran into him and his father, Thranduil.

And before the dragon attacked, the Orcs attacked Bard's home. You had protected his children, and another She-Elf named Tauriel had saved you from death. She then went on to save Kili from death, although his life ended not so long afterwards. You saw how Legolas looked at the Elf, and you heard the way he spoke to her.

He was in love with her, although she could not return those feelings. When the guards had thrown Kili into your cell, you couldn't help but hear how Tauriel and Kili got along. It was as if the stars were bound for them. They loved each other, and although their love was broken by death, it was never lost.



In the water of the river you took a bath in, you dunked your head under. For years, you would remind yourself of that quest. How you managed to escape from Thranduil's prison, only to find a Company of dwarves in the forest being attacked by spiders. If it weren't for Bilbo, you most likely would have been still in that prison, wasting away.

You remember the loathing hate you had for Legolas. You knew of his aim for his bow. You knew of his skill, so when that arrow of his struck down on your shoulder, you vowed to return that arrow.

Now, that loathing hate is gone. It was replaced with a ticklish warmth that felt dangerous to you. Kili and Tauriel were made for each other, and yet they were taken from one another too soon.


You remembered the words of the red-haired She-Elf. She didn't want Love, it hurt her. She wanted it gone, but it was too real to be taken away. After Erebor, you never saw her again. The line of Durin died that day, and you went to live with Bilbo for the next 6 years, until his home became occupied by a smaller Hobbit named Frodo. Bilbo had loved Frodo too, and now the young Hobbit is Merlin knows where.

Love wasn't something you wanted.

You rose from the water, taking a deep breath in as you pushed your hair back, ridding the blood from it. Legolas sat up on a rock, a good while away to keep watch as you bathed. You stared at his back, and his starlight hair as it danced flawlessly in the wind.

You looked down on your own hair. Messy, tangled and drenched in Orc blood. You could say there was a few differences. Every waking moment of last nights events replayed in your mind, you were unable to rid yourself of them, and you labeled that dangerous as well.

You couldn't fall for the Elf. Legolas wasn't someone you needed to Love, to care for more than you already do. It is impossible that he could even fall in love again, after Tauriel. 

After your bath, you got changed into better clothes. Ones that were dry and not stained with Orc blood. Nor were they torn.

You walked back to the rock where Legolas watched guard. At your footsteps, he turned and stood up on his feet. There were silence between the two of you,  it even a bird chirped nor did a cricket creep.

"I owe you an apology." You finally said. Legolas furrowed his eyebrows, uncertain of where you were going with this. "From this moment on, I'm going to have to ignore you."


"Please, just let me. I know and I understand all that you said on the horse, but... I have to ignore you. I cannot be around you anymore, I'm sorry." And with that, you started to walk away.

That was, until, the Elf stopped you. "Why must you ignore me? What have I done wrong?" He asked, scanning your body to see if you were injured.

"I just have to, I won't tell you, but know that it is for the best." You were hurting his feelings, that much you knew. Form the expression in his face, he didn't need to say anything. He was hurt by your words.

"If this is for the events of last night, I deeply apologise for that. My actions were fuelled by alcohol, and while that does not justify them, I would never take something like that away from you with a conscious mind." He continues to speak in Elvish, and for reason, you don't know why.

"No, I am to take blame for that, but it is not why I must ignore you-"

"Then why must you ignore me?" He goes make to common tongue in an instant.

"I will not tell you!" Your voice rose. You didn't want to ignore him, but for your sake you had too. You heard tales of sorrow about Elves who loved another who could not return those feeling's ,and died of a brokenheart. Elves were immortal, but fragile.

"Do I not deserve to know what I have done wrong?!" Legolas matched your tone of voice.

"You haven't done anything wrong!" You ran your hands through your hair, shaking your head. 

"Then why? What is the reason you just ignore me!" He took a step forward.

"I can't fall in love with you!" You screamed at him, as you slowly put your hand on your lips after those words fell from your mouth. "I will not allow myself to do that."

Legolas was speechless. He didn't know what to say or how to take your words, instead, his ears twitched slightly, wanting to listen more.

"Elves love another only once in their own lifetime. Only once. You loved Tauriel, do not deny it. I have not been around anything or anyone to love it so... that was until, you showed up. I cannot allow myself to love you, Legolas. I am sorry...cund vien." You bowed and left to walk away.

With the pick of the wind, blowing your wet hair and drying it slightly, you felt yourself involuntarily spin. Legolas's hands in your forearms, a breath on your tongue as you opened your mouth to speak, only to be stopped.

Stopped by his warm lips meeting yours with a gentle embrace. A quick moment, that felt like eternity. A kiss from his that was softer than any fabric you've ever felt. His forehead leaned on yours, eyes closed.

Yours were wide in confusion.

"Whatever I felt for Tauriel was not love." He spoke softly, his breathing sharing yours. "I know this, as when I grew to know you, that...that was love."


"I have grown fond of you. I care for you deeply. I wanted to know things about you, to listen to your voice and to hold you in my arms when I need to." He opens his eyes, starting back into yours. "I want to love you."

"I-?..." You didn't know what to say. Your brain was fuzzy, and butterflies tickling your stomach like a feather. Middle-Earth had stopped moving, as it was only you and Legolas for all the care in the world. "Kiss me again...please."

You met with his lips again, a kind smile pressing against your lips. It was ethereal. Not like the passionate event of last night, but more genuine and loving. His arms snaked around and hugged you as he left your kiss and hug you. Hugged your tightly, like you might run away if he lets go too soon. 


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