➵ Helms Deep

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You slapped your hand over your mouth as you watched Gimli's horse run off and cause him to fall on the ground. There was a reason, the dwarves often rode ponies and not horses. You snickered, and created a pig sound with your nose.

Your eye widened at noise as a second hand slapped over your mouth, embarrassed with yourself. There was a chuckle behind you. You lowered your hands and turned your head as you glared at Legolas.

"Something funny, cund vuin?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. My prince?

Legolas shifted on his horse. "Gwannas lu and ebennel lasto lalaith." He spared you a glance. Long has it been since I've heard you laugh.

"No dehinen." You rolled your eyes. "Am man theled pendil elhellen?" You slowed the pace of your horse to ride next to Legolas. Shut up. Why do you always speak in Elvish to me?

"Why not?" He replied in man-tongue, a small smirk on his face. "Why do you laugh like that?"

You shot another glare at him. "Ego." The look of shook on his face was perfect. Fuck off.

"I meant no harm." Legolas gently kicked his horse, riding a little faster to be with you. "It was only an attempt at a joke."

"Usually, jokes are funny." You did kinda find it funny, but you wouldn't let him know that. His concern and worry was enough for humor. "Maybe if you ride faster and fall off your horse, then I shall laugh."

It was silent between the two of you for a moment before Legolas found something to say. "You're a good horse back rider."

"Tell me something I don't know, cund vuin." You smirked, your back straightening.

"How did you learn. You said it yourself you weren't raised near any Elf-cities." Legolas was close enough to let the head of your horse, "so how did you learn?"

"I'm 2533 years old, Legolas. I had more then enough time to travel Middle Earth and learn things. And I've been to Elf cities before, your own father kindly let me stay in a prison for 2 years -plus an extra 6 months- and if it were for Bilbo, I would more than likely still be in there." You told him.

"You were a thief. You stole bread from the markets." Legolas recalled, as if the memory was lost to you.

"I was hungry, starved, famished. I hadn't eaten in 12 days, I think half of lembas bread I stole from a busy stall which had more than enough business to lose half of bread was fine. Not only did I stay overdue in your prison, but you shot me in my shoulder as Orcs chased us down the river!" You were still on the shoulder thing.

"I swear, I've apologised for this, many times." Legolas couldn't hold back a smile.

For some reason, the smile terrified you

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For some reason, the smile terrified you. Not that you were scared of it, but something was screaming at you to stop. You ignored the strange thought and pushed past it.

OUT OF MY LEAGUE ๏ LEGOLASWhere stories live. Discover now