➵ Lothlorien

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Lothlorien was a place you have never been to before. The Elven city was know for being gracefully and might and blah, blah, blah. You couldn't remember the whole trip into the woods, nor how you stumbled upon the Elves as you kept on going in and out of consciousness.

But, you did know, that when you woke, you had not only a new bandage, but entirely new clothing and your hair was washed and brushed, small braids in your hair. You rose of the bed with the upper half of your body.

 You rose of the bed with the upper half of your body

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You were in more suitable clothing for war. Not battle armour, but it wasn't just pure random bits of fabric. Your leg was in less pain, and your hair was brushed. You could barely remember the last time you had put a real brush through your hair.

"My child," a soft voice behind you startled you, and you turned around to see none other than Galadriel.

You scrambled off the bed and bowed to her. You may not be raised to Elf-standards, but you knew respect and you knew the beings of Middle Earth. "My lady."

She walks towards you, extending her arms to you. Her hands outstretched. You rose form here you kneeled in front of her and placed your hands in hers, noticing how neat and graceful your own hands looked.

"I have given you a bath." Galadriel smiled at you, and you felt your face redden. "And I have found clothes for your journey. Your wound should not bother you."

"Thank you, my lady." You dipped your head, slightly distracted by your smooth and long hair. "Um...if you mind not me asking. My acquainta-...my friends. The group I travelled with. Where might they be?"

"Your friends are resting. I will lead you to them." She smiled at you again as her hands left yours and she started to walk down a spiral tree staircase.

There wasn't any talking on the way down, but once your feet reached the ground of the forest and you walked only a few steps behind Galadriel, you took in the sight of the forest Elven city. It was truly beautiful.

"I believe, you shall be glad to see this She-Elf." Galadriel snapped you from your awestruck trance and you stepped out from behind the legendary Elf in front of you.

The Fellowship was sitting around a fire in front of you, their eyes went to you and for a moment, their faces remained neutral.

"Wait a minute..." Pippin was the first to speak, he rose to his feet and slapped Merry. "Y/n!"

He started running to you. Merry looked confused as he eyed you. "Y/n?...oh! Y/n!" The two Hobbits ran to you, tackling you in a hug. "Goodness, your unrecognisable!"

"Really?" You show a big smile.

"My dear lady!" Gimli laughed as he walked over to you, helping you off the ground and warding the two excited Hobbit off. "A traveler of Middle Earth, you may be, but the beautiful Elf you were born as has stayed with you."

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