➵ Orc Arrows

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A bang or two on the door, and after a moment's pause, the door flies off it's hinge. The first Orc that ran in was shot dead by Legolas. You twirl your sword in hand, and crack your neck before charging forward with Aragorn and cutting the Orcs.

When a loud growl sounds from behind you, you turn your head an instantly jump back from the Cave Troll. Sam ducks out of the way as well once the cave troll starts destroying everything in it's path.

Gimli laughs and spins his axe as the Cave Troll moves towards him. Just in time did the Dwarf jump out of the way. Legolas, armed with his bow and arrow, takes two arrows from his stack and shoots them at the Cave Troll.
The Cave Troll's weapon is a Dragon's Fist, which was also known as a Meteor Hammer. The Troll swung it around Legolas, but the Elf only used it to his advantage.

 The Troll swung it around Legolas, but the Elf only used it to his advantage

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Your clothes are sure to be stained with Orc blood. Not as if they were already tearing at the seams, mixed with dirt and mud, but the blood was a bit of overkill.
As the Orcs were only coming with more forces, you got distracted. You were skilled with the blade, that was something no one could deny. However, your spatial awareness is something to work on.

And that is how the Cave Troll managed to pick you up by your feet. From the sheer surprise of the moment, you ended up dropping your weapon and not being able to catch it as it clashed on the ground.
"Oh, let go of me, you ill-faced brute!" You yelled at the Troll.

Rocks are thrown at the Troll, and it looks over at Merry and Pippin, whom then both hid. With a loud growl, the Cave Troll starts lifting you higher in the air, aiming you over it's mouth.

"Hey! Wait a moment! Don't be rash!" You started to fight your way out of it's grip.

An arrow or two then fly past you, hitting the Cave Troll along it's arm. As Legolas passes under the Troll, he aims up and shoots an arrow at it's hand. Thankfully, dropping you.
However, not thankfully, you were falling down straight to Legolas.

Sort of thankfully and then again, sort of not, Legolas just had to show how gracefully and annoyingly reluctant his listening to the laws of physic were as he somehow grabbed you before your head still the ground and flipped you around so you fell on your feet.
A sly, feces-eating grin on his face appeared.

"Oh, get over it." You rolled your eyes as you ran to your sword, which lain on the ground.

 You heard a pained gasp, followed by an angered scream. You turned around, again, to see Frodo lying on the ground, both Merry and Pippin crawling on the Cave Troll. Everyone, with worry and panic running in their veins, fight to kill the remaining orcs and the dammed Cave Troll.
Legolas takes the final blow and slays the Cave Troll with his bow and arrow.

Aragorn, who must have lost consciousness during the battle, moves over to Frodo and finds the Hobbit still breathes. With a heavy breath from the fight, you show a confused face as there was no blood, even though the Cave Troll struck a blow on the small Hobbit.

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