➵ Mines of Moria

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You've been to the Mines of Moria many years ago. A few years after the dwarves started to dig in. A noble-dwarf named Daeck took you in for 6 months when you were a young elf, appearing only to be tween, but in reality a good few hundred years old.
You moved on from that and travelled more of the world. Dwarf would always give anyone a warm welcome if they liked a person. They were kind folk, through and through.

It's been almost a thousand years since you've returned to the Mines, so you had no idea what it would look like, nor how far the Dwarves dug down. 

As the Fellowship reached the Walls of Moria and everyone was eager to get inside, however, Gandalf couldn't remember the password to get inside. The last time you were at Moria, the gate didn't need a password to be opened with, let alone it be written in Elvish.
Everyone sat around the rocks, waiting for Gandalf who was close to sitting down himself.

"You weren't serious, were you?" A voice came from behind you. You turned at Legolas, confused to his question. "You aren't actually going to grow a beard?"

You only could stare at him for a second more before you broke into a fit of laughter, slapping your hand over your mouth to stop yourself. Tears brimmed your eyes from the thought.
"You actually believed me!?" You wiped the tears away. "What's wrong? Would you be sad that you couldn't grow one yourself?"

"Of course not." Legolas stood up taller. Elves were 'gracefully' and 'beautiful' folk, they were clean and tidy. The thought of a beard scared them. "It would be a waste for you to grow a beard."

Your laughter ceased as his words sunk in. "A waste? You wish to elaborate that further?"

"Your face is a sight for sore eyes, therefore it shall be a waste." He explain, unsure why he had to.

"I-" You blinked a few times. This was not the same Legolas from 60 years ago. "You think I'm attractive?"

Legolas blinked again, thinking about it for a moment which made you narrow your eyes at him. "Well, yes."

You were going to say something more, but the creaks of stone doors opening grabbed your attention. It seemed that Frodo had figured out the password was a riddle, which granted Gandalf the ability to open the door.
The password was 'Mellon', which was Elvish for 'Friend'.

Gandalf walks inside, slightly wary as he uses his staff as a light. Everyone follows in after him. The echo's of the cave is so great, you could barely make out what Gimli saying about his cousin, Balin. But the thought of Balin being here made you happy. You met him when you met Bilbo and he was a good dwarf.
Gandalf blows on his staff and the light brightens. Your heart stops for a moment when you find the skull lying just in front of you.

"And they call it a mine! A mine!" Gimli still has no idea about the dwarf skeletons lying around.

"This is no mine." Boromir noticed the skulls lying around him. "It's a tomb!"

All of the Fellowship now sees the skeletons. You worry for Balin's life, unsure if he were still alive. Gimli cries and yells as he kneels in front of the skeletons. You stoop down to an arrow in a dwarf body and take it out, examining it.

"Goblins." You scoff as you throw the arrow to the ground with distaste. 
Anyone with a weapon took it out and armed themselves. 

"We never should have come here!" Boromir states the obvious. "Get out of here! Now! Get out!"

Everyone soon back up out of Moria, you pushed Gimli back, having to separate him from his kin. A yelp from behind made you whip your head around. Frodo was in the air, being held up by some kind of lake monster.
As you took your sword from its place, the Hobbits around tried to fight off the creature, but Frodo was being lowered into the mouth of the creature.

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