➵ Horseback

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With a horrified face, you stared at the Elf. The Elf being Legolas. His sleeping face too close for comfort. Your breath started to rise rapidly and it got heavier as you soon came to realize just how little you were wearing. To answer: nothing. You gripped the cover of the bed as you started to roll off it, in an attempt to get away from the Elf. As you moved, you felt the...ache in your hips and your face went a ruby red. Your mind was screaming curses. You hadn't judged nor recognized how small of a bed you were lying in, and you ended up falling right off it and making a loud thump noise.

And as it was early in the morning, the sound was just automatically louder. Legolas jumped awake. You gripped the sheet of the bed closer as you held it up to your chest. Memories of your drunken state flooded into your throbbing head.

Legolas made a sound. You weren't sure how to take it. Confusion? Shock? Anger? Somehow it was none of them, but it sounded more like remembering something you forget, while being utterly confused and humiliated, but also having to rethink in shock what happened of late.

"I'm naked." Legolas was breathing heavy, trying t comprehend what was going on. "And your on the floor."

"On the floor naked." You managed to say. "Very, very naked..."

"Right." This had to be the first time you've witness Legolas speechless. "Did...was..."

"So, uh-...last night..." You couldn't think of anything to say.

"I'm going to put my clothes on." Legolas must of found his clothes as the sound of footsteps were in your head. You slammed your eyes shut simply because of an image of...last night came into mind.

Legolas then made another noise. "Um...here are yours."
A second later, a glimpse of Legolas's hand appeared over the bed. A bundle of clothes - your clothes in his hand. Quickly you reached up and snatched it, whispering a thanks.

You only had enough time and room to put on your bottom undergarments. Legolas must have been fully dressed as he was making his way to the door. His back was turned, but he spoke to you clearly.

"I'll be outside, I'd rather not make you uncomfortable." He sounded awkward with it. He opened the door, and he sounded as if he was going to say something else, but the swing of the door violently shutting itself into Legolas was made instead.

"Ah, Legolas." It was Gandalf. "We've been looking for you."

"I was tired, I found myself a room for the night." Legolas managed to say as you, still holding the blanket of the bed to your chest, mixed with your clothes, you threw yourself on the bed and rolled over it under you fell on the other side.

"Of course..." Gandalf made a questioning sound as he peered inside, curious of the thudding noise. "We're looking for Y/n as well, so if you find her, tell her we must set off to Isengard."

"And tell her to be quick." Aragorn just had to be there as well. "Her horse is ready, so don't take too long, we have reason to believe two hobbits made their way to Isengard."
You hated the way Aragorn spoke, it was like he knew you were in the room.

"I'll collect my things." And with that, Legolas closed the door.

You aggressively got yourself ready. You didn't hear any footsteps, so Legolas had to be pinning himself against the wall. You shoved your pants on, and snatched your tops, placing them on quickly.
You had not way of telling how neat your hair was, but by your guess, it wasn't so neat. The braids Legolas had put in your hair were all messy now, out of place and slightly knotted.

As you were fully dressed, you hesitantly walked up to the door, holding your hair. "So, think they'll...uhh."

Legolas looked at you, a slight pink tinge on his cheeks were already there as he took a breath in. By the look on his face alone, you didn't need to be told anything. Your hands in your hair soon dragged down on your face as you let out a long sigh. You made your way over to a chair near a bedside table. On it there was a dingy hairbrush, but it was a hairbrush none the less. You tried to find where the braid started and where it stopped, but you weren't used to the braids and all of it felt foreign. That was until your hand brushed against Legolas as he started to unbraid your hair.
It took you a moment to sit with the idea, but your hands fell to your side as you let the Elf play with your hair.

"So." Legolas tried to find middle ground. "That happened."

"Do you think we had one too many pints?" You saw Legolas's hand reach for the brush. "Are you...uh...okay?"

"...Yes, I'm okay." Legolas had paused on that question. "I'll take responsibility, I was the one who kissed you first, I'm sorry. I should never have done that and-"

"Legolas, i...suggested we go upstairs, this is my fault." You broke out in Elvish. "Do not blame yourself."

Legolas was quiet again, brushing through your hair. It was finished with it a lot quicker this time. As Legolas leaned over to put the brush down, your hand went to your hair. It was smoother, and there was soft braids in your hair. Legolas backed up and you stood up, the aching feeling in your hips coming back, but as much as you tried to avoid showing any emotion, your face failed you.

"Are you hurt?" Legolas was quick to your side, holding your arm.

"Nope." You squeezed one of your hips. "Not at all."

"Am I?..." Legolas leaned back a bit,a voiding eye contact. "I'm sorry."

"Don't even say anything." You pushed off him as you walked to the door, but stopped before you walked out. "Maybe you should go out first."

Legolas agreed with you as he walked up to the door, you stepped aside as Legolas walked out the door. He checked both sides before opening the door wider for you. You walked out, biting the inside of your cheek thanks to your hip.

He walked down the stairs first, and you almost cried at the sight of them. Slowly and achingly, you trended down the stairs.

You were only on the 4th one when Legolas was at the bottom.
You knew he was going to say something, so you shoved your hand in the air with your finger up, silencing him.
The mere thought of having to ride on a horse hurt as well.

"Ah, Legolas, you've found her." Gandalf was inside the tavern and made his way over once you reached the last steps. "Y/n, we're beginning our journey to Isengard."

"Yeah about that." You forced a laugh and a short smile. "So when I got the Elves to help, I kinda had to destroy a lot of mountain, so that path could be blocked."

Gandalf's eye almost twitched. "No matter, We'll find a way. Saddle up and be ready, we leave now."

Your own eye twitched at him saying that, but Legolas intervened. "Actually, Y/n means to ride with me. In the battle, she hurt her legs."

"I did-" You stopped yourself from saying those words like a question. "Yes, I did."

Aragorn moved his hand to cover his mouth as he stopped himself from laughing. You eyed him, for it was impossible he knew...right?

And so there you were. Yet again, riding horse back with Legolas with constant side glances your way. You tried to hide your face, but the only way that was possible was to bury your head into Legolas's back, which you weren't doing, no matter how red your face was getting. So instead, you hung your head slightly and stared at his belt.

"Y/n..." Legolas started, he was speaking in Elvish, so you had some idea of what was coming next. You took in a short sigh as you lifted your head up. "I am sorry. I lead you on and I never meant for any of it to happen-"

"Legolas, we had both just gone through a battle and we got swept up in the moment- and there was alcohol in our heads." You interrupted him, also speaking in Elvish. "It didn't...it doesn't mean anything.

Those words felt wrong, like you hadn't explained what you were trying to say correctly. And yet, they fell out of your mouth.

"Y/n...you deserve to know." Legolas still rode on from his horse, and didn't look over his shoulder. "I have grown to care for you. Deeply. We have only just met, but it feels like I've known you for a lifetime. I wish that what happened won't change...any of that."

You were silence for a moment. There was something behind his words, something you were left to decipher. "Of course. Why should anything change.


OUT OF MY LEAGUE ๏ LEGOLASWhere stories live. Discover now