➵ Fellowship of the Ring

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At dawn, you all took off for Mordor

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At dawn, you all took off for Mordor. You had learnt the names of the Hobbits, Pippin and Merry were friends and quite some trouble-makers, Samwise (better known as Sam) was a humble Hobbit and then it was Frodo. You learnt that he was a descent of Bilbo, which automatically made you like him.
Boromir and Aragorn were the two men on the group.

Boromir seemed like a cheerful soul and Aragorn clearly had something going on with Elrond's daughter.
Gandalf was a Wizard, so that explain him. And you knew Gimli quite well now. He was a proud dwarf and he loved to speak of his home. The way he placed words made you laugh.

Then it was Legolas. The cocky one. You rather pay no mind to him, so you utterly ignored him as best you could.
Sam had a pony named Bill that was carrying most of the extra luggage. Bill seemed like a nice pony. You liked Bill.

And so, off all ten of you went. Plus Bill. By mid-day, you had taken your first pit-stop on top of a mountain edge. Pippin and Merry were playing with Boromir and Sam was making food for everyone.

One of the hobbits let out a cry and you turned around from the rock you stood on.
The hobbit was lying on the ground and Boromir looked horrified. But the other Hobbit attacked Boromir and soon both Hobbits were playing around, keeping Boromir on the ground.

You breathed out a laugh as you shook your head as they took Aragorn down with them. You looked back to the mountains, looking at the course you would taking.

"And did you know, most people don't believe that female dwarves exist! - Which is, of course, ridiculous." Gimli had been on this topic for a few hours. "We have the same height and tremendous appetite. So, at times, it can be hard to tell the difference."

"Oh, so they..." You weren't all that sure how to put it. "Do they have- they have....beards?"

"Of course!" Gilmi laughed and you let out a breath of relief. "Only small ones, but as mighty as mine." And with that the dwarf stroked his mighty beard.

You smiled, holding back a small laugh as you looked around, trying to get distracted by something else. Which you did, Legolas was looking between Gimli and the ground, clearly he had listened in on the conversation as he looked utterly confused.
You grew an evil smile as you walked up to him

"Think I should grow a beard?" That was the first thing you've said to him in 60 years. And of course to top it off, you stroked your jawline.

"Oh, please don't." He sounded desperate, as if you were being serious. He was so easy to mess with.

"Why not? I've been around a dwarf long enough, that I might start catching one." You rolled your shoulder back as you looked ahead, but the smile you had quickly wore off.

Something in the distance was coming straight towards you, and it was coming fast. It looked like birds of some kind.
"Somethings ahead." You said outloud, so everyone could hear.

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