59. Danger Zone

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The only thing Sloane could hear were the echo of the group's footsteps as they descended the staircase. She was going over and over the conversation she just had with Draco trying to figure out where the crap she had gone wrong.

Or better yet worrying about -

"Stop it Sloane," Hermione said breaking the silence.

"Stop what?" She asked as Hermione moved to walk alongside her.

"Stop overthinking. I know you are wondering what this little fight means for you and Draco's future and I know that if you are anything like me or Ginny you are assuming the worst right now."

"Hey!" Ginny called ahead.

Hermione looked back. "Am I wrong?"

"Well....no...but cheap shot!" She pouted as Blaise kissed the top of her head.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "What I mean is that, you don't know anything until you and Draco talk. So do not stress now over something that may not be an issue."

"He wasn't there Hermione." Sloane sighed. "He didn't care enough to be there for me when I was leaving. He was angry. I could feel it. He was also heartbroken. I did that. I made him feel that way."

"Feeling your own feelings and another person's must be exhausting," Ginny declared.

"You have no idea," Sloane sighed again.

"But that is just it. You are feeling both your emotions so you are over...well feeling. When this is over, you can talk to him and resolve this. Everyone fights Sloane. It's part of a relationship."

"I know Hermione. But...am I never supposed to do things on my own because he doesn't like them? Harry and Blaise I am sure were worried about you two coming down here but they didn't try to stop you -"

"Because I know better," Blaise chuckled and Ginny pinched him. "Ow!"

"They supported your decisions. That is what a couple does. Support each other. Not huff when one does something the other doesn't like. I know why he doesn't want me down here but I need to do this."

"Draco just cares about you." Harry said.

"A lot!" Blaise added.

"I know," Sloane shook her head. "I will talk to him when I get back."

"Are you OK?" Hermione asked. Sloane looked up. It was an odd question. One she had never really been asked before.

"Am I... I'm sorry what?"

"How are you?" Hermione asked. "I mean, I know that with Draco you are maybe not peachy as they say but I just wanted to make sure that you were, well OK."

Sloane smiled at the brown eyed girl who had linked her arm through hers as they walked. "You are sweet Hermione. But I am fine, thank you. I will be glad when this is over with." She motioned ahead as they approached the bottom of the staircase.

The same mouldy, sea salt stench caught in Sloane's breath. It made Harry's eyes water and he removed his glasses to wipe them on his sleeve.

"It's charming isn't it?" Blaise said as he pulled both Sloane and Ginny closer to him. "I plan to add one to my Manor when I graduate."

"So where do you suppose we start?" Hermione said looking around.

It wasn't the same as before. Now every room had its doors flung wide open. It wasn't as dark either, with the door which led to the cliff edge being open too. But the open door shed some light to the space. It wasn't as scary looking now.

It's OK To Not Be Ok...Right? **Complete**Where stories live. Discover now