2. Everything was perfect

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I woke up in my room. My bed creaked as I stepped on the floor. I ambled over to the mirror to look at my disheveled blood red hair. Taking a comb, I untangled my curls till I tamed my unruly mop. Perfect! My smile was dazzling as I went about my daily routine. Everything was perfect!

After breakfast, I retreated back to my room to get ready for a party. Blood red lips grinned at the mirror and I headed out. The party went well and after enjoying myself to the fullest, I came back home. At once my head started aching as my world tilted sideways.

I woke up in my room. Another dizzy spell. Nowadays, I seemed to faint often. Wait... what? Nowadays? Why don't I remember yesterday? Or any other day for that matter? Eh, it must be the dizziness.

Paying no attention to my lack of memory, I walked over to the fridge. Grabbing a box of pizza on the counter with a bowl of ice - cream, I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Watching reruns of nostalgic shows and munching on pizza is heavenly. Everything was perfect! I smiled wide.

The sudden ache started again as my head hit the floor. The world went dark.

A series of visions flitted through my mind. Memories. Laughing faces, joyful times and deadly secrets. Now I remember. This day had happened before. Numerous times. Blood soaked through my blonde hair. Wait- blonde hair?... that's right I had blonde hair, not red. My eyes flew open as I rushed to the mirror in my room. I shivered as I felt something wet trickle down my neck. Blood. Blood was flowing from my head. My vision swam as my head throbbed with pain. Faint voices called out," Trial 416 is a fail. Subject to reset immediately."

The last thing I felt was regret. Then everything went blank.

I woke up in my room. My bed creaked as I stepped on the floor. I ambled over to the mirror to look at my disheveled blood red hair. Taking a comb, I untangled and smoothened my unruly curls. Perfect! My smile was dazzling as I went about my daily routine. Everything was perfect!

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