30. The Water Bottle

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I was enamoured. She was beautiful, like a goddess who had descended from heaven. Feathery dark strands pushed away from her face by a headband. Dark grey eyes - the swirling clouds above a stormy ocean. We were both on our early morning jog, and that day when I was heading out, I didn't know that I would meet the love of my life. I knew it as soon as I saw her though. She and I were meant to be. She ran on, and I noticed that she was looking at me. I found an excuse to talk to her as I spotted her drinking water from a bottle. "Can I have some water?" I asked.

She smiled. "Sure, go ahead", and she ran on ahead. Her voice sounded like a melody of chiming bells. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to talk more, but I needed to be patient. There'd be plenty of time to talk later. As I ran, I saw her smile kindly at the old beggar lady on the street, and my heart warmed. She was so kindhearted too. She was perfect. When we crossed paths on our next round, we smiled at each other.

Slowly, we grew from strangers to friends. We started jogging together, and she talked about her friends, family and workload. I didn't share much about myself; I just loved hearing her voice. Every time she smiled, it felt like a warm ray of sunshine on a cold day. But I wanted us to be more than just friends. So I approached the topic. "Do you like anyone?"

She looked at me, uncertain. Then she sighed as a dreamy expression came over her face. I smiled at the thought that I put it there. "Orion. He lives in my building."

The world halted, and I felt my heart crumble into pieces.

She ....... didn't love me like I loved her? I felt like screaming, but I restrained myself as her brows furrowed, "Why did you stop? Do you know him?"

I replied, my smile easy. "Of course not, how would I? You have to introduce us."

She smiled back. "How about the next weekend? I'll invite him to run with us. You can be my wingman." She winked and continued running beside me, oblivious to my aching heart. It was alright though. True love always had obstacles and hardships to get through, since the prize was so sweet and lasting. Orion was just an obstacle. And besides, if he didn't love her, then I'd be her shoulder to cry on. I prepared for the weekend, thinking about her every living moment.

Orion was tall, with golden strands mixing in a sea of red. She introduced us, a spark in her eyes that should only be reserved for me. I had a plan though, so it was fine. I told her that I needed to run with Orion alone, after which I would give them some time together. She agreed, and Orion and I ran further ahead. 

I started speaking. "So, do you like her?"

Orion appeared started for a second, then he blushed and nodded. No he didn't. No one could love her like me. I would give her the world. He couldn't.

But it was fine, because I had a plan. As we ran close to a deep ditch, I executed it.

At his scream, she sprinted over to my side. He had accidentally fallen into the ditch. Seeing his prone body, she wailed, a sound raw with emotion. I didn't want her to wail like that ever again. She buried her face in my shirt as I wrapped my arms around her, a cocoon of warmth as the police arrived.

Over the next few months, we grew even closer. I was her shield, the one supporting and protecting her from the outer world. I was her crutch, her breath of fresh air. She depended on me. And I lived for her. So I decided it was time to confess. 

"Listen... I want to tell you something. I want us to be more than friends. I really love you, Violet."

She froze for a second, and then she stood up from the park bench. Tears sprung to her doll-like eyes as she stammered, "H- How could you? I thought the world of you."

My face turned stony. This was not the reaction I had expected. She should have been elated. She should have been relieved. Instead, she was disgusted? I said, indignant," What do you mean? You were the one who led me on."

She shook her head as her eyes turned fiery. I didn't like all these new emotions of hers. "I thought you were like the father I never had! I'm only 15!!"

I screamed, hating this side of her. "And I'm only 30! Age doesn't matter in true love, Violet."

Something dawned on her as her hands shook. "Wait... Orion didn't just fall, did he? You pushed him. You're a child murderer!"

I didn't like hearing these words from my beloved, so I caught her as she tried to run. As she needlessly struggled, I gently placed her in the backseat of my car and put her to sleep with some chloroform. She didn't know what was good for her. I was good for her, Orion wasn't. I would never hurt her. I would cherish her. I would be her knight in shining armour, because she was my one true love. I would keep her in my loving arms, and never let her go.

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